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a KalymnosOfferte tutto l'anno!
The island was settled originally by Carians, as the earlier name Calynda attests, and later by Dorians. At Chorio, close to the present town of Kalymnos, walls of Classical and Hellenistic buildings are visible. Here is the site of the temple of Apollo Delios, on which the basilica of Christ of Jerusalem (6th century AD) was built. The sanctuary of Asklepios was located near the church of Holy Wisdom (Aghia Sophia), as a statue of the god, now in the Kalymnos Archaeological Museum, reveals.
In the late 3rd century BC Calymnos was annexed to Cos. In the Vathy valley as far as the Rina bay, building remains of Hellenistic and Roman times. At the site of Phylakai (village of Metochi) ruins of a Hellenistic farmstead have been found. At the site of Emvola, also near the village of Metochi, a Hellenistic fortified enceinte perhaps indicates the existence of a city. On the height of Kasteli or Kastelas, above Metochi, an Early Hellenistic fort or acropolis, perhaps a remnant of Carian domination of the island.
The fortification (defensive wall with towers, staircase in the rock and gate), at the site of Kastri overlooking Emborio, is dated to the time when Calymnos was ruled by Mausolos, satrap of Caria (4th century BC). Ruins of a Hellenistic city at Damos, with fortification and graves of the 4th century BC. At Pothia there is an ancient sanctuary (temple of Apollo). Both sites perhaps belonged to the ancient deme of Pothaea.Six Early Christian basilicas have been excavated: 1) Christ of Jerusalem, near Chorio, the most important, in which building material from the temple of Apollo was used. 2) The Evangelistria or Holy Wisdom (Aghia Sophia), SE of the previous one. 3) Saint John, at Myrties, where there is a homonymous chapel. 4) At Vlychadia, in the chapel of Saint Sideris, with fragments of a mosaic pavement. 5) At Pothia, under the 2nd primary school.
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