Condizioni Generali

Scegliere Viaggio in Traghetto
Scegliere Viaggio in Traghetto

La mia prenotazione

Goutos Lines

Goutos Lines - Termini & Condizioni

Si consiglia vivamente di conoscere a fondo i termini e le condizioni della compagnia di traghetti con cui si viaggia. Di seguito troverete i termini ufficiali che regolano la prenotazione e il viaggio con Goutos Lines. Se avete bisogno di ulteriori chiarimenti, non esitare a contattare il vostro esperto personale di prenotazione traghetti per ricevere assistenza.


According to E.U. Directive 98/41 and the new regulations as they derive from P.D. 102/2019 (Government Gazette 182/A/20-11-2019) “Registration of persons travelling by passenger ships operating to or from Greek ports in accordance with Directive 98/41/EC/1998”, it is mandatory for safety reasons, the nominal registration of passengers on each route.

In particular, must be listed:

  • The name of the passenger (in full)
  • Gender: male/female (in full)
  • Nationality (e.g.GR)
  • Date of birth (day/ month/ year)
  • The telephone number for the exclusive purpose of notifying the passenger in case of delay, cancellation or frustration of the ship’s itinerary. In case of the passenger’s failure to disclose contact details, it is registered in writing by the issuer in the System. In case of electronic booking, the passenger fills in his contact details in the relevant electronic form or fills in the option «I do not wish to be informed in case of delay, cancellation or cancellation of the route».

In addition, the issuing agent must be notified of passengers requiring SPECIAL NEED/CARE/ ASSISTANCE.

It is strictly forbidden to issue tickets on board; therefore, for their convenience, passengers must contact their travel agent on time, to book and issue their tickets.

Children under 5 years old (up to 4 years and 364 days): the issuance of a zero fare ticket is mandatory, provided that it is issued simultaneously with the reservation and issuance of an adult ticket.


Each passenger ticket is personal, non-transferable and is valid only for the category, date, route and trip for which it was issued.


Purchase of passenger tickets and vehicles transport receipts may be conducted in the following ways:

  • Through the website
  • From all tourist offices, travel agents or shipping agencies co-operating with us.

E-tickets can be obtained in an electronic format via Web Check-in, which is available from 48 to 2 hours prior the departure of itinerary, at your e-mail, mobile or tablet.


Can be collected from Company’s Central Port Agencies at least one (1) hour before departure:

  • Port of Lavrion: SPORADES SHIPPING & TRAVEL AGENCY (Greek Trip) +302292022900/ 22901
  • Port of Kea: TO STEGADI +30 22880 21435
  • Port of Kythnos: BINIS TRAVEL +30 22810 32345

In order to collect the tickets, the e-mail confirming the reservation and the Identity Card or Passport must be presented. Beneficiaries of discounts must also submit the necessary supporting documents.


According to law 3709/2008 passengers are required to be at the embarkation point half an hour (1/2) prior to the scheduled time of departure and to bring their vehicles to the waiting area one (1) hour prior to the departure. Due to the consequences of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (Coronavirus- COVID-19) it is recommended that the arrival at the port should take place one and half (1 ½) hour prior departure of the scheduled itinerary in order to avoid delays.

Drivers are obliged to embark and disembark their vehicle. Vehicles’ passengers must exit the vehicle before embarkation. Vehicles’ priority order for embarkation is determined by the Port Regulations of each Port Authority, where embarkation takes place.

All passengers should be able to present their valid travel documents. The company reserves the right not to allow boarding in case of a passenger not having the travel documents required.

In case the passenger wishes to abort his journey after boarding, then he/she is obliged to inform the vessel’s Purser’s Office and upon leaving the ship to take all of his/her luggage as well. In case of vehicles, please mind that there is the possibility of being unable to remove them from the ship’s garage due to their pre-arranged parking positions.


In order to limit and prevent the risk of fire as well as the release of toxic gases in the vehicle garage area:

  • The transportation of “non accompanied” Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs) is strictly prohibited.
  • During the loading of AFVs, record their type and the location where they are stowed on the vessel and the crew should place appropriate signs in a prominent place on the vehicles.
  • For all-electric (EV) or plug-in hybrid (HEV Plug-in) vehicles, check the battery temperature. The battery charge level in these vehicles should not exceed 40% of their total capacity.
  • For vehicles using other alternative fuels, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) or compressed natural gas (CNG), their fuel tanks must not be filled to more than 50% of their total capacity.
  • The transportation of Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs) with damage to their fuel system and their fuel tanks or battery system is prohibited, in the event that these have not been removed. Specially, in cases where there is uncertainty about the damage or status of the battery system, their loading and transportation are forbidden. The responsibility to ensure that there is no damage to the fuel system or battery system lies exclusively with the owners of the vehicles and the company may secure this assurance by any means it deems necessary.
  • Note to drivers/passengers that they must immediately inform the crew in case of any alarm indication from their vehicle.
  • It is strictly prohibited to charge electric (EV) and plug-in hybrid (HEV Plug-in) vehicles on board the vessel.
  • In Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs), the following are included:

    • Hybrid, purely electric and plug in vehicles equipped with battery system.
    • Vehicles that use liquefied and compressed gaseous fuels (liquefied petroleum gas – LPG, natural gas CNG).


Tickets must be issued within a specific time period following their reservation, of which passengers are advised by their travel agent. If tickets are not issued within this period, the reservation is automatically cancelled.


Passenger or vehicle tickets can be converted to Open-Date tickets to be used on a future trip. Tickets can be changed only by the tourist office/ agency or shipping agency which has issued the ticket or by the company’s central shipping agencies at the ports.

Open-Date tickets are replaced by a new ticket of equal or greater value ONLY ONCE, by paying the difference depending on the availability for the same or a different itinerary. For this new ticket all cancellation terms do not apply and any difference in price is not refundable. The new ticket cannot be issued with any discount if the original ticket has no discount. Vehicles tickets cannot be replaced by any passenger tickets and vice-versa.

Tickets can be converted to Open-Date tickets up to four (4) hours before ship departure in low season.

In high season and legal holidays, tickets can be converted to Open-Date tickets up to twenty-four (24) hours before ship departure.

Low Season:

  • from 01-01-2025 to 26-02-2025
  • from 05-03-2025 to 20-03-2025
  • from 27-03-2025 to 13-04-2025
  • from 06-05-2025 to 03-06-2025
  • from 16-09-2025 to 28-09-2025

High Season:

  • from 27-02-2025 to 04-03-2025
  • from 21-03-2025 to 26-03-2025
  • from 14-04-2025 to 05-05-2025
  • from 04-06-2025 to 15-09-2025

Open-Date tickets are valid up to one year from the date and time of issue of the original ticket. It is necessary that the initial ticket be replaced with a new ticket before boarding. If, until the date of travel, the fare has been increased, owners of such tickets must pay the difference between the current and the pre-paid open ticket fare.

Tickets purchased electronically via our Company’s booking system and are not issued, can be converted into Open-Date tickets ONLY by sending an e-mail to which must have been sent at least one (1) business day before the respective cancellation deadlines and where the details of the reservation as well as the contact phone number will be accurately indicated. In case the ticket is already printed for its replacement, it is necessary to send it to the Head Office of GOUTOS LINES (at the shipper’s expense) or to be presented to the Central Port Agency of the port of departure.


We inform you that our company supports the service of prepaid tickets (PTA).


  • Tickets cancelled up to forty-eight (48) hours before the ship’s departure time have no charge.
  • Tickets cancelled up to twelve (12) hours before the ship’s departure (exact time) have 50% refund of the fare.
  • Tickets that have been converted to Open Date in case of cancellation have a 50% deduction, provided that the body of the ticket is returned in its entirety.
  • For cancellations made in less than twelve (12) hours before departure time fare CANNOT be refunded.
  • After departure: Tickets cannot be cancelled, cannot be converted to open date, and no change of date is possible.

Tickets can only be cancelled by the travel agents by which they were issued; they cannot be cancelled by phone. Persons wishing to cancel a ticket must deliver it to the agency that has issued it.

Tickets purchased electronically through the Company’s booking system and are not issued, CAN ONLY be cancelled by sending an e-mail to which must have been sent at least one (1) business day before the respective cancellation deadlines and where the details of the reservation as well as the contact number will be accurately indicated. In case the ticket is already printed, it is necessary to send it to the Head Office of GOUTOS LINES (at the shipper’s expense) or to present it to the Central Port Agency of the port of departure.

In case of ticket loss, a new ticket must be purchased.



Passengers and their vehicles can board the vessel without changing their tickets.


Tickets of a cancelled departure are not valid for embarkation and must be exchanged with a valid boarding card for the next scheduled departure, pending on availability, or canceled without cancellation fees if the body of the ticket is returned in its entirety.

In case of a departure being delayed or cancelled due to extreme weather conditions etc., passengers are kindly requested to contact our agency at tel.: +30 2810 529000 or send an e-mail: in order to be informed about the new departure time.


The company will endeavor to adhere to the announced itineraries. However, the company reserves the right to modify itineraries, if it is absolutely necessary.


We kindly request that the tickets of passengers and vehicles as well as the reduced fare tickets be issued correctly in order to avoid any discomfort. The Purser Office carries out ticket controls at the embarkation and during the journey. Upon such controls, passengers are required to present their tickets as well as any documents which entitle them to a reduced fare ticket.


Passengers are entitled to carry free of charge, luggage up to 50 kilos.

Luggage should be placed in the designated areas of the vessels as per the crew’s instructions. Luggage must not contain valuable items. All items are carried under the responsibility of the holder.

The company assumes responsibility for damage or loss of luggage on board only if the items have been entrusted for safekeeping and a corresponding receipt has been issued. The company disclaims any liability for the loss of money, valuables, or luggage left unattended in cabins, common areas of the ship, or vehicles.

It is not allowed to place luggage or items on passenger seats.


Our vessel has specially designated areas for service of passengers with special needs. Due to limited availability it is advisable to book early.

The issuer or the Company must be informed at the time of the ticket booking that assistance is required, notify the carrier no later than forty-eight (48) hours before the boarding procedure and be at the a predetermined point at a specified time, which does not exceed sixty (60) minutes.


The transportation of minor passengers, who have reached the age of 15 to 18 years, without being accompanied by a parent or a guardian, is permitted under the following conditions:

  • Completion of a Statutory Declaration by the parent or the legal guardian of the minor with his/her signature, certified by the relevant Police or Port Authority.
  • For boarding, the minor passenger must possess in hand the original Statutory Declaration, along with the ticket, as well as his/her Identity Card for identification purposes.
  • In any case, the parent or the legal guardian of the minor passenger bears in full the responsibility for the prompt acquisition and certification of the Statutory Declaration, as well as of any accompanying documents that may be required at the port of departure. Under no circumstances will the company be liable if, due to inadequate documents and/or identification certificates, boarding is not allowed by the vessel’s Officers or the Port Authorities.

Relevant declaration forms are available at the Customer Services Dept.: +30 2810 529000 or send an e-mail:, as well as at the local port offices of the company.


Vessels have designated areas (cages) on the open passenger’s decks for accommodation of large pets.

  • Small pets up to 10 kg can accompany their owners to the specially designed interiors of the vessel with the indication “PET FRIENDLY AREA” if they are transported in special cages and have the appropriate health and vaccination certificates.
  • The pet must remain in the transport container at all times with the door always tightly closed. At no point is your pet allowed to sit on a seat.
  • Pets not travelling in a container must remain outdoors on the open passenger decks, wear a harness/leash and must wear a muzzle.
  • Search and Rescue Dogs, dogs used by the Armed Forces, Security Forces, Law Enforcement Authorities, the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) and the Ministry of Finance, Assistance Dogs and Therapy Animals of all sizes are allowed to accompany their owner in all public open and closed areas of the vessel, provided they have the relevant certificates, who prove their status, good health and vaccination and carry a strap / leash.
  • It is forbidden for large pets (>10 kg) to stay inside the closed common passengers accommodation areas and the enclosed vehicle stowage areas.
  • Pets must always be accompanied, wear a strap / leash and wear a mandatory muzzle. Passengers travelling with a pet must always carry with them their recent updated health booklet and be responsible for their care, safety and hygiene.
  • Pet owners are solely responsible for any possible damage or harm that may be caused by their pet to any third party.
  • Unaccompanied pets are not accepted for embarkation.

It is clarified that according to Law 4830/2021 / Government Gazette Issue A ́169 / 18.09.2021 (article 3 ), “Pet” means any animal that is maintained or intended to be maintained by humans mainly in his home, for reasons of animal welfare. If articles of this law concern specific pets, such as dogs and cats, then these are explicitly mentioned. Companion animals are also assistance dogs, working dogs, as well as therapy animals. Wild animals cannot be kept as pets.


Complying with the National Law 3730 of the Greek Ministry of Health, as from 1stJuly 2009 smoking is strictly prohibited in all enclosed public areas, as well as the vessel’s cabins. Passengers may smoke in the designated areas on the outer decks.


The ticket price includes the transfer of the passenger to the port of destination, seat category chosen, as well as any additional legal charges (taxes, port fees, etc).

The price of vehicle transport receipt includes the transport of the vehicle to the port of destination and any legal charges thereof (taxes, port fees, etc).

Discounts are not cumulative. If more than one discount cases are in force, only the bigger discount applies.

Passengers entitled to discount are kindly requested to declare so at the time of reservation and present all relevant documents both at the issue of the corresponding discount ticket and on boarding the vessel. After ticket issue, no fare difference is refunded.

Passenger groups are entitled to special agreements. For more information and reservations please contact e-mail:

The company grants discounts to passengers in accordance with its commercial policy.


100% Discount

  • Children under 5 years old (up to 4 years & 364 days), with the obligation to issue a zero-fare ticket.
  • Most Deprived, with a Certificate of the Relevant Department, Prefectural, Identity Card and Service Note of the Port Authority on a case-by-case basis.
  • Staff of Civil Servants of the Ministry of Merchant Maritime with the demonstration of their Service Identity.
  • Survivors of a shipwreck

Note: Tickets of underprivileged and Survivors of a shipwreck can be issued ONLY by the local Central Agencies of the Company.


  • Children from 5 and one day up to 10 years old (up to 10 years & 364 days)
  • Large families (with the presentation of the special identity card)
  • ΝΑΤ pensioner (with the presentation of the special pensioner’s document)
  • Individuals with special needs or individual with reduced mobility with a degree of disability of 80% and above (with the presentation of the relevant documents accrediting the disability from the Health Committees of the responsible administrative or insurance authority until their expiry date).
  • Escorts for people with special needs or reduced mobility with a degree of 80% and above (where the beneficiary is a person with Paraplegia, Quadriplegia – Blindness, Cognitive Disabilities, Autism and Down syndrome).
  • War Invalids, War victims and aides or Escorts upon demonstration of the special identity card for cases A&B and official certificate of the status for case C.
  • Students of Greek Universities or Greek Technical Colleges (ΑΕΙ, ΤΕΙ και ΑΕΝ-ΚΕSEN) – upon presentation of their student identity card or Student Property Sheet for students of ΑΕΝ-ΚΕSEN).
  • Holders of an International ISIC Student Card valid ONLY for Students of Greek Universities (AEI).


50% Discount

Disability passenger vehicle (when accompanied by the beneficiary and bear special license plates for war invalids or vehicle parking card for the disabled – “AMA”).


Passengers who have lost or found a lost item on board, are kindly requested to contact the ship’s Reception immediately during their journey and most importantly before disembarkation. For any information you may require after disembarkation, please contact Company’s Head Offices, Customer Services +30 2810 529000, e-mail:


Passengers must comply with all safety regulations during boarding, disembarking and navigation, and public order rules within the vessel. They should also observe the rules of hygiene. Furthermore, they must comply with any order of the Master or instruction given by the crew members for the duration of the trip.

Drivers are obliged to embark and disembark their vehicle. Vehicle passengers must exit the vehicle before embarkation.

It is strictly prohibited to carry firearms, explosives and other hazardous substances or materials on board. For safety reasons, all passengers and their belongings are liable to control.

In case of non- compliance, the passenger will not be allowed to embark and the port authorities will be notified of the event.

Once a passenger has boarded the vessel, they are not allowed to disembark prior to departure, unless approved by vessel’s Officers.

Passengers are not allowed to enter or remain in the garage of the vessel during the trip.

Passengers who wish to disembark, must take with them all their luggage and/or vehicle (if possible).

Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas of the vessel (National Law 3730 of the Greek Ministry of Health). For reasons of navigation safety and protection of the environment, please do not throw lit cigarettes outdoors of the vessel or in the sea.

Any weapons carried must be declared upon embarkation. If you carry a gun, we kindly request that you declare it upon your embarkation.


For any complaint during the trip, passengers should address to the Master or the First Officer of the ship and after the end of the journey initially to the Company or the Port Authorities.


For any Customer Service inquiries, comments or suggestions, please call, tel.: +30 2810 529000 or send an e-mail:

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