Conditions générales d'utilisation

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Ma réservation

Navigazione Libera del Golfo

Navigazione Libera del Golfo - Conditions générales d'utilisation

Il est fortement conseillé de connaître les conditions générales de la compagnie de ferry avec laquelle vous voyagez.Vous trouverez ci-dessous les conditions officielles qui régissent votre réservation et votre voyage avec Navigazione Libera del Golfo.Si vous avez besoin de précisions supplémentaires, n'hésitez pas à contacter votre expert personnel en réservation de ferry pour obtenir de l'aide.

General conditions of carriage

NLG – Navigazione Libera del Golfo S.r.l., undertakes the transport of people, their baggage, motor vehicles and motorcycles accompanying passengers, in accordance with these Transport Regulations, the conditions of which are considered to be known and fully accepted by anyone who purchases or uses tickets passing through the Company.The Transport Regulations are available to users at the Company’s offices and ticket offices, as well as at the on-board controls.Fares, timetables, itineraries and other conditions listed here may be changed over time.


The passage ticket is personal and non-transferable, and is valid only for the transport specified on it. Passengers are required to diligently keep the ticket to justify their right to travel, and to show it to any ship’s officer or company officer who requests it. Tickets bearing abrasions and / or corrections are considered void.The ticket not used for the date and the journey will lose its validity, without the right to a refund. The regulations and rates in force can be consulted at the company ticket offices and on board the boats.No duplicates will be issued for lost or stolen tickets.

Tickets online
Tickets issued online follow the specific regulations, specified in the specific area of the company’s website dedicated to the purchase of this type of ticket.

Children under the age of 2 are granted free passage without the right to a seat; if they occupy a seat, payment of the expected rate is due. Children from 2 to 12 years old pay the child rate. From 12 years of age they pay full rate. The age of the children must be documented before the ticket is issued. Children under the age of 12 must be kept under the supervision of parents and / or adults who have them in custody and cannot circulate around the ship without being accompanied. The Company will not be liable for damage to minors in the event of non-compliance with the above.

Reductions on passage prices must be requested by those who are entitled to them before the ticket is issued, and upon presentation of the supporting documents.

Benefits for Island Residents
The discounted rates for island residents – on the lines where they are provided – are exclusively applicable to passengers who prove their residence on the island, with suitable documentation. Passengers who during the trip do not have the document giving title to the facilitation applied when issuing the ticket, will be required to pay the difference between the reduced rate already paid and the full rate, increased by 100%.

Checks on board
The Company, through inspectors in charge of control or even its own on-board personnel, will be able to carry out checks on travel tickets even during navigation. The passenger who does not have it, without having given prior notice to the Commander or the on-board staff, will be subject to the payment of the ticket amount in any case at full rate, increased by 100%.


Seats booked by travel agencies authorized for this purpose, without the simultaneous purchase of the ticket, remain available to the booker up to one hour before departure. After this deadline, if the ticket has not been purchased, the reservations are automatically canceled.


Tickets to be canceled by the passenger’s choice can be canceled up to 48 hours before departure, at the ticket office that issued them, with a 30% penalty. After this deadline, no reimbursement is due.


Tickets have no invoice value. Passengers interested in obtaining a ticket with an invoice value must make an explicit request when purchasing the ticket, communicating their personal and tax data pursuant to art. 22 of Presidential Decree 633 of 26/10/72 and subsequent amendments, and before the issuance of the same.


Suitcases, travel bags, backpacks and the like, containing personal effects, and traveling with the passenger are considered luggage. Passengers have the right to carry only one piece of baggage with them free of charge, with a maximum size of 50x30x15 cm and a maximum weight of kg. 5.00. Baggage exceeding the allowance will be checked in against payment of the relevant fee.

The baggage ticket pays only for the sea passage of the baggage. Boarding, disembarkation, accommodation and custody of packages during navigation are the responsibility and responsibility of the passenger. The baggage items cannot be placed on chairs or armchairs, or in such a way as to hinder other passengers.

Packages that do not contain the passenger’s personal effects, especially if they are particularly bulky, will be loaded only in case of availability of a seat on board, as long as there are no technical and medical impediments, and at the unquestionable judgment of the Command on board.

Passengers who bring on board substances or objects of illegal possession, or that do not comply with current health or legal provisions, will be liable to the Company for any damages, fines and fines that may be incurred as a result of such introduction.The Company is only liable, within the limits of the law, for valuables delivered, against regular receipt, to the Command.

The Company is not liable for valuables, money or anything else left in the car or in common areas on board the ship. In any case, it is still up to the complainant to prove the extent of the loss or damage suffered, as well as the fact that such loss or damage occurred during transport.


Unless otherwise prescribed by law, dogs, cats and other small live pets are allowed to accompany passengers and against payment of the expected fare.No animals may be brought into the halls and spaces intended for passengers, with the exception of guide dogs for the blind.

Dogs must be equipped with a muzzle and a leash. Cats or other pets must be transported in cages or baskets by their owners. The animals are fed by the owners.

For animals traveling with passengers, the following documentation is required: a valid health or veterinary certificate stating that the animal is not affected by diseases and, in particular for dogs, that it has been subjected to anti-rabies vaccination.

This documentation may be requested at the time of issuing the relevant ticket or by the on-board staff upon boarding.


It is strictly forbidden to bring on board small arms and firearms, ammunition, explosives, fuels or other harmful or dangerous substances.


From the moment of embarkation on board and until disembarkation, each passenger is required to comply with the instructions given by the on-board staff and the notices posted.

In particular, passengers must remain seated during the crossing and the mooring and unmooring operations, and maintain a behavior that does not compromise the safety of navigation.In the event that, at the time of boarding, or during navigation, it is found that a passenger is in possession of weapons, or in any case appears in conditions (due to illness, drunkenness or other reasons) such as to represent danger or inconvenience for himself or for others , the Captain of the ship may refuse boarding and / or take all the measures required by law.


The passenger is liable for all damage caused directly by him, or by a person or animal in his custody, to the ship, its furnishings, appliances and accessories, equipment, other passengers, baggage, employees of the Company o to auxiliaries, or in any case to third parties, as well as to the payment of penalties, fines, fines and / or expenses to which the Company may be subjected.


The passenger must personally and under his own responsibility embark and disembark the vehicle accompanying him. Once embarked, the vehicle must be left with the engine and lights off, with the windows closed, not locked, the first gear engaged, the handbrake engaged and the ignition key inserted in the dashboard. It remains at the risk of passengers to leave things in vehicles; the trunk can be locked. It is forbidden to board cars carrying dangerous or noxious goods, not permitted by current regulations, and containers with flammable products in general. It is mandatory to declare the transport of liquid gas-powered vehicles when purchasing the ticket. Those who fail to make this declaration lose the right to board. The vehicles will be called to board in the order that will be arranged by the Captain of the ship and / or his subordinates and employees, who will indicate the place to place them. The captain of the ship may ask the passenger to unload any baggage from the roof of the cars. Any damage suffered by accompanying vehicles during boarding operations or during the crossing must be notified to the Command on board immediately or in any case before disembarking. The company is not liable for breakdowns and damage to the vehicle and / or to the objects contained therein. Any damage caused by the vehicle to the ship and to third parties must be compensated before disembarking. The boarding order is the sole responsibility of the Onboard Command. The rates for accompanying vehicles are inclusive of boarding and disembarking costs. The fare groups are as follows:

  • I group: up to 4 meters.
  • II gruppo: over 4 mt.

It is also necessary to show up for boarding with a car at least half an hour before departure. Passengers who do not show up for boarding within the forementioned deadline, even if they have a reservation, lose their right to a seat guarantee.In case of cancellation of the crossing due to weather conditions, the Company declines all responsibility, as indeed for all circumstances not directly under its control.

Variations: no refund will be granted in the event of a change in date, line or vehicle category. In case of loss or theft of the ticket, it is necessary to purchase a new ticket. The Company reserves the right to change timetables and fares without notice.

Vehicle booking: When purchasing the ticket, it is essential to specify the size and characteristics of the vehicle. For the calculation of the tariff, the overall measures are taken into consideration. In case of omission or false declaration, the company reserves the right to refuse boarding.


Passengers are prohibited from including in their baggage or embarking on vehicles carrying flammable or otherwise dangerous materials, contraband goods, transporting letters and packages subject to postage tax, types of state property rights, or which in any case are prohibited from exporting.

It is also forbidden to bring objects into the salons of the boats that may cause annoyance or disturbance to passengers, to lie down on the sofas, to open or close the windows without contacting the crew. Passengers are responsible for non-compliance with the forementioned prohibitions towards the competent Authorities and towards the Company, which reserves the right to take action for any damages and fines to which it was subject.

Passengers are required to pay compensation for any damage caused to the vessel and to the furnishings on board.


The passenger, upon boarding, is obliged to show to the on-board staff the travel document and documents demonstrating any right to a reduction in fare or exemption from payment. The name of the vessel carrying out the transport, if indicated on the ticket, is purely indicative as it may well be the same as performed with another ship, even with another carrier.


The departure and arrival times of the ship and its itinerary are subject to change even without notice, for technical reasons or force majeure.For these reasons, the Company reserves the right to cancel or modify the planned trips in whole or in part and also reserves the right to cancel departures or stopovers for the same reasons.If for technical reasons or force majeure the travel itinerary needs to be changed, the passenger will have to disembark at the port of the new destination and no reimbursement or compensation will be due.

Passengers are therefore required to ask for confirmation of the itineraries and timetables, well in advance, at the airport ticket offices, making sure – before departure – that no changes have been made to the ship and to the timetable shown on the ticket.

In this case, the passenger can ask the ticket office to be able to leave, if there is availability of seats, with another trip made by the company, or he can renounce the trip itself, against a refund of the ticket price, which will be made at the ticket office of issue.

No further indemnity or compensation for damages will be paid by the Company, whatever the determining cause of the cancellation or modification of the trip.


The transport of passengers, cars and luggage will be carried out at the passenger’s risk. The Company declines all responsibility for damage to persons, property, or theft of cars or luggage.

No responsibility can be attributed to the Company for higher expenses caused by delays or omissions of races due to technical or mechanical failures of their vehicles, or in any case due to causes beyond their control such as illness, bad weather, strikes, quarantines, wars, force majeure.

Travel times, fares and conditions can be changed without notice.


Any complaints must be notified in writing directly to the Company. Accidents or damages suffered by people or things must be immediately reported to the Command on Board of the ship on which the voyage took place.

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