Conditions générales d'utilisation

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Minoan Lines Grimaldi Euromed

Minoan Lines Grimaldi Euromed - Conditions générales d'utilisation

Il est fortement conseillé de connaître les conditions générales de la compagnie de ferry avec laquelle vous voyagez.Vous trouverez ci-dessous les conditions officielles qui régissent votre réservation et votre voyage avec Minoan Lines Grimaldi Euromed.Si vous avez besoin de précisions supplémentaires, n'hésitez pas à contacter votre expert personnel en réservation de ferry pour obtenir de l'aide.


Grimaldi Group S.p.A. acts as agent for the Carrier Grimaldi Euromed S.p.A. The Carrier for the sea leg travelled is indicated on the ticket. Passengers, their luggage and accompanying vehicles are carried according to the Carrier's Terms and Conditions. By purchasing a ticket, the passenger accepts the following Covenants and Conditions. Similarly, at the time of booking and/or purchasing the ticket, the passenger authorises the processing of personal data in the manner specified in the Privacy Policy at the end of this document and in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003.

Open-date ticket

How can I turn a ticket into an open-date ticket?

You should contact either the agent who issued your ticket or the central agency or the port agency of Minoan Lines before vessel departure.

How long does an open-date ticket last?

These types of tickets are valid for one year from the date of departure, if there is a departure date shown.

If there is no departure date, open-date tickets are valid for one year from the date of issue.


On the basis of regional, national and international decrees and ordinances, issued to counter the spread of Covid-19, our maritime connections have been closed to passenger traffic starting from different dates, with gradual and differentiated reopening based on to the destination.

On the page of (Setting Sail Safely) you will always find up-to-date government regulations for individual destinations.

According to the Italian law, passengers recover the full amount of the ticket, already paid and not used due to the coronavirus, by issuing a voucher valid for 18 months, which the customer can request within 30 days from the end of the block to travel.

If the new ticket has a higher value than the previous one, the customer will pay the fare difference;

More Specific Covid voucher has a duration of 18 months and can be used for any Minoan Lines or Grimaldi Lines sea route available for sale.

We also inform you that, after 18 months from the issue, for unused vouchers you can have the refund of the paid amount - within fourteen days of expiry date. Starting from 12 months after issue, you can request a refund of the voucher by sending an email to, if you purchased your first ticket directly with the Company, or by contacting your travel agency. The refund is paid within fourteen days of the request.

Τhe right to covid vouchers is for passengers that had bookings in the Adriatic Lines to travel in the following dates 15/03/2020 to 30/06/2020 and 17/11/2021 to 05/04/2021.


(Directive (EU) 2017/2109 amending Directive 98/41/EC on the registration of persons sailing on board passenger ships) When making a reservation or purchase, the customer must provide the following data: surname, first name, nationality, date of birth, gender, identity document number (only for non-Schengen routes), mobile phone number, e-mail address. In addition, the passenger may indicate a contact number in case of emergency and any of his or her own needs for special care and/or assistance in emergency situations. The data provided will be processed in accordance with Italian Law no. 675 of 31/12/1996.

1. Data controller and scope of data processing

Grimaldi Group S.p.A., in its capacity as data controller ("Grimaldi Group"), informs you, pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") and the legislation applicable from time to time on the protection of personal data, that your personal data, identification (i.e. name, surname, nationality, gender, e-mail, telephone number and, if you request the issuance of an invoice, also address, tax code and VAT number) and possibly belonging to special categories (i.e. data relating to health), provided by you to Grimaldi Group S.p.A. at the time of signing the contract of carriage by sea, will be processed in compliance with the above mentioned legislation and confidentiality obligations. All data of natural persons identified as passengers (i.e. persons who use the travel ticket) will be processed. The booking holder undertakes to inform all passengers on whose behalf the booking is made of the content of this notice. Personal data relating to a third party that you may have indicated and identified as an emergency contact may also be processed.

Data processing operations concern the following:

  • personal data and contact details of passengers
  • contact details of third parties identified as emergency contacts, if requested by the passenger
  • data concerning membership of professional categories – i.e. membership of professional associations, police forces – or membership of loyalty or association programs signed with third party companies – e.g. Trenitalia, Payback, Telepass, Poste Italiane, ACI etc. (to obtain discounts on services offered by the company).

We also remind You that the processing may concern the following data belonging to special categories pursuant to art. 9 of the GDPR, if spontaneously provided by passengers in order to take advantage of special assistance on board or if otherwise processed by on-board personnel in the event of emergencies and/or accidents to the passenger’s person during navigation:

  • information about a limitation of one’s mobility
  • information about disabilities
  • information about particular health conditions
  • information about any special needs of the passenger in relation to any treatment that may be necessary in case of emergency, due to the state of health of the passenger.

Grimaldi Group does not guarantee or provide information about the processing of your personal data that may be carried out through additional contact channels with Grimaldi Group managed by third parties (eg. Facebook), which remain the sole responsibility and ownership of such third parties.

2. Purposes of data processing

Data not belonging to particular categories will be processed for the following purposes:

  • management of requests for quotes
  • conclusion, management and execution of operations connected with the contract of carriage, including Your identification
  • communications (also by telephone, also through re-contact by the Grimaldi Group call center in case of missed calls by the passenger) of logistical information on the trip and/or generally useful to the passenger to face the departure (e.g. delays, departure pier, organization on board, etc.)
  • on-board communications
  • provision of purchased products and services aboard ship
  • extraction of statistical information anonymously
  • transmission of your data to maritime agencies, terminals and port authorities, judicial authorities and law enforcement agencies
  • contact of third parties indicated as "emergency contacts", pursuant to Directive (EU) 2017/2109
  • sending communications by e-mail, for promotional and marketing purposes, if you have given Your consent for this purpose ("generic marketing");
  • sending communications via email, for promotional, marketing and/or brand reputation protection purposes, as a result of profiling, if you have given your consent for this purpose ("profiled marketing")
  • sending of questionnaires anonymously for the purpose of improving the services offered by the Grimaldi Group, as well as sending information relating to:
    • the operational organization of the Grimaldi Group (even if not related to the trip purchased by the interested party)
    • products/services similar to those chosen by the passenger (including, by way of example and not limited to: offers for trips similar to those purchased; offers for travel insurance; etc.. ); as well as
    • offers, discounts, rewards and / or promotions of third party partners of the Grimaldi Group, which Grimaldi Group has an interest in offering to its passengers in the context of gifts and / or promotional initiatives reserved for passengers (including, by way of example and not limited to, in the case of co-marketing initiatives, which allow Grimaldi Group to include coupons with offers of third parties on the back of Your ticket, etc.). In the latter case, no promotional communication will be made to you by the partners of the Grimaldi Group, nor any transfer of your personal data to such partners, unless you give your explicit and informed consent in this sense.

Finally, in relation to point 10, we inform you that Article 4 of the GDPR defines profiling as "any form of automated processing of personal data consisting in the use of such personal information to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects of personal preferences, interests, behaviour, sensitivity to commercial offers, the location or movement of that natural person". Therefore, it can be considered a personal data processing activity that consists in dividing customers into homogeneous groups according to their behavior. If you give Your consent, Your Personal Data may be processed in order to trace a "history" of Your business relationship with the Grimaldi Group (for example, the different "touch points" with the Grimaldi Group, the interaction modalities You used, the preferences and the purchase frequency may be taken into consideration). This activity aims at elaborating a profile of Yours in order to personalize the offer of services and eventual specific services requested by You. If you decide to participate in Grimaldi Group brand reputation initiatives, we may process your data to reserve you ad hoc promotions.

It is understood that the activities referred to in paragraphs 9, 10 and 11 above will be carried out only on the personal contact data of the booking holder, i.e. the person who provided his or her e-mail address during the booking process.

Data belonging to special categories will be processed for the following purposes:

  • guaranteeing passengers who so request the use of special assistance on board
  • in case of emergency and/or accident of the passenger on board, guaranteeing passengers who so request special care and/or assistance due to their state of health
  • apply any special discounts that may be provided for disabled persons and their companions, if the passenger has given his or her consent for this purpose.

3. Retention of personal data

DataStorage timeStorage purposes
Tax code
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Identity card details
Residence address
Data related to
particular categories to
take advantage of
particular assistance on
board during navigation
Vehicle license plate
Telephone number
E-mail address
10 years from the end of the tripIn order to manage the fulfilments following the execution of the contract (e.g.: sending of tax documentation, etc.), to fulfill the legal obligations to which the Grimaldi Group is subject (including the obligations to keep accounting records), to protect the legitimate interests of the Grimaldi Group and to resist in case of any disputes raised by passengers.
Particular data relating to specific care and/or need for assistance of passengers in case of emergency situations

Data suitable to reveal the state of health otherwise processed by the staff on board in case of emergencies and/or accidents during navigation

Contacts of third parties indicated by the passenger as "emergency contacts".
Pursuant to art. 12 of Legislative Decree no. 38/2020, only for the time necessary for the purposes of this notice and, in any case, only until the journey of the ship in question is completed safely and the data have been declared in the single national interface.Guaranteeing the preparation and effectiveness of assistance operations on board, and search and rescue at sea.
Date of birth
E-mail address
For marketing purposes, the data will be kept for the two years following the later term between the date of the last trip and the date of acquisition of the data, without prejudice to the possibility of unsubscribing by the user at any time, via a link present in each communication e-mail, which will be sent at least every 12 months.Carrying out generic marketing, profiled marketing, sending promotional emails of goods and services similar to those purchased, and other communication activities (as described in paragraph 2, numbers 9, 10 and 11 above)

4. Legal basis

The legal basis for the processing operations listed above in paragraph 2, numbers 1 to 7, is the need to execute an agreement or pre-contractual measures in the interest of each passenger (Art. 6, paragraph 1, letter b, GDPR), as well as the need to comply with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject (Art. 6, paragraph 1, letter c, GDPR).

The legal basis for the processing operations listed above in paragraph 2, number 8 , consists in the need to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject (Art. 6, paragraph 1, letter c, GDPR).

The legal basis for the processing operations listed above in paragraph 2, numbers 9 and 10, is Your consent (Art. 6, para. 1, letter a, GDPR).

The legal basis for the processing operations listed above in paragraph 2, number 11, is the legitimate interest of the Grimaldi Group (Art. 6, paragraph 1, letter f, GDPR). In the event that the Grimaldi Group sends you electronic communications regarding products/services similar to those you have chosen, the legal basis is the application of art. 130, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.

You will in any case have the right to object, at any time and at no cost, to the processing activities referred to in paragraph 2, numbers 9, 10 and 11 (limited to the activity of soft spam), even revoking the consent given, by sending a request to the e-mail, as well as using the channel that will be indicated in the communications that you will receive, or by clicking on the appropriate link in the e-mails that will be sent to you.

The legal basis for the processing operations listed above in paragraph 2, numbers 12 and 13, is found in the existence of grounds of substantial public interest based on the law of EU or of Member States, which must be proportionate to the purpose pursued, respecting the essence of the right to data protection and providing for appropriate and specific measures to protect the fundamental rights and interests of the data subject, as well as in the purpose of the provision of healthcare on board (Art. 9, paragraph 2, lett. g and h GDPR).

Finally, the legal basis for the processing operations listed above in paragraph 2, number 14, is the consent of the passenger (Art. 9, paragraph 2, letter a, GDPR).

5. Data transfer

Please note that passenger data may be communicated not only to other companies belonging to the Grimaldi Group, but also to entities established in third countries, even outside the territory of the European Union, in accordance with the principles established by the Regulation.

In particular, the communication of the data to shipping agencies is foreseen as these agencies act on behalf of the shipowner to transmit the data to the Authorities.

The shipowner is also required to communicate passenger data in advance to the terminal which, in compliance with security, will be responsible for communicating the data received to the competent Authorities (e.g. Port Authority, Border Police, Financial Police and Customs).

In addition, Grimaldi Group can directly communicate passengers data to the above mentioned Authorities.

6. Disclosing your data

We also inform you that the aforementioned processing of personal and sensitive data inherent, connected with and/or instrumental to the maritime transport agreement, may provide for access to such data by:

  • Public authorities pursuant to the Circular of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport No. 104/2014 in compliance with Directive 98/41/EC (i.e. harbor master’s office and port authority)
  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport – General Command of the Port Authority Corps.
  • Judicial authorities and Police Forces, even when such communication is deemed reasonably necessary by the Grimaldi Group to ascertain or defend its own right.
  • On-board doctor, in case of emergencies and/or personal injury to the passenger.
  • Ticket offices, terminals and shipping agencies for the organization of embarkation/disembarkation operations.
  • Catering companies, for the supply of products and services on board ship.
  • External companies involved in the organization of events on board ship.
  • Companies with which you have subscribed to loyalty or membership programs – e.g. Trenitalia, Payback, Telepass, Poste Italiane, ACI, etc. – which, by virtue of an agreement with the Grimaldi Group, guarantee you access to discounts on services offered by the company.
  • Legal firms, should disputes arise.
  • Insurance companies both when booking tickets and making claims.
  • Experts dealing with complaints.
  • Companies, including those not belonging to the Grimaldi Group, which provide other services essential to the provision of maritime transport or the performance of marketing activities, including those subject to your express consent, such as the hosting of websites and web systems, e-mail services, marketing, sponsorship of competitions and other promotions, audit services, data analysis, the conduct of market research and satisfaction surveys.

The need to communicate passenger data to the authorities referred to in point no. 1 stems from the requirement to count and register people on board passenger ships, which is the subject of Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Circular No. 104/2014.

The data relating to the emergency contact reported by passengers as well as the data relating to particular categories provided for the provision of special care and/or assistance in the event of an emergency, will be communicated, before departure or in any case no later than 30 minutes after departure, to the captain and the commissioner of the ship where the passenger is and in any case included by Grimaldi Group in the single national interface provided in accordance with Directive (EU) 2017/2109 in order to ensure the preparation and effectiveness of search and rescue operations at sea.

It may be necessary for Grimaldi Group – based on laws, legal proceedings, disputes and/or requests made by public or governmental authorities inside or outside your country of residence, national security purposes or other matters of public importance – to disclose your personal data. When legally possible, we will inform you prior to the disclosure.

We may also disclose personal data if we establish in good faith that it is reasonably necessary to assert and protect our rights and activate available remedies.

7. Nature of data provision and consequences of any failure to comply

The communication of data not belonging to particular categories (with the exception of the data relating to the emergency contact that may be indicated) is necessary for the exact execution of the contractual and pre-contractual obligations to be fulfilled by us, and failure to indicate such data will make it impossible to conclude the sea transport contract you have requested, as well as to exactly fulfil the legal obligations and those deriving from the public interest to protect safety in ports.

Communication of data relating to the passenger’s "emergency contact" is, on the other hand, optional: failure to provide such data will therefore have no impact on the conclusion of the sea transport contract requested.

The communication of data belonging to special categories is optional. However, if such data will be provided, Grimaldi Group will be able to better meet the needs of passengers and provide them with the necessary assistance, as well as apply – in the cases and ways provided – the special discount applied.

8. Rights of data subjects

Each passenger may, at any time, exercise the following rights (within the limits established by the GDPR):

  • to access personal data, requesting that these data be made available in an intelligible form, as well as the purposes on which the processing is based.
  • to obtain the correction or deletion of the data or the limitation of processing.
  • to revoke consent (where this is the legal basis for the processing) without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before revocation.
  • to obtain data portability.
  • to object to data processing.
  • to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, which in Italy is the Data Protection Authority, following the instructions on the website of the aforementioned authority.

The above-mentioned rights may be asserted by addressing requests to the following e-mail address:

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) appointed by the Grimaldi Group Companies is available at the following e-mail address:

9. Changes to this document

Grimaldi Group reserves the right to update the content of this notice regarding the processing of personal data of its passengers in accordance with applicable national legislation on personal data protection. Any news related to the updating of this information notice will be communicated to the interested parties in the manner defined by Grimaldi Group.


All disputes arising from the passenger carriage contract will be referred to the Chamber of Commerce of the place of residence and/or domicile of the consumer and resolved in accordance with the Conciliation Rules adopted by it. The attempt at conciliation referred to in point 1 above shall constitute a condition for proceeding with any legal action pursuant to Article 5(5) of Italian Legislative Decree no. 28/2010.


Passengers wishing to lodge a complaint with the Carrier in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 1177/2010 may submit it within two months of the date on which the service was performed or should have been performed. Within one month of receiving the complaint, the Carrier must notify the passenger that the complaint has been accepted, rejected or is still under consideration. The time taken to provide a definitive response to the complaint will not exceed two months from receipt thereof. Complaints can be sent by e-mail to, containing at least:

  • the user’s identification details (name, surname, address), enclosing a copy of his or her identity document, and the identification details of their representative (if any), enclosing the power of attorney.
  • identification information for the journey (date, time of departure, origin and destination) and for the transport contract (reservation code or ticket number).
  • a description of the inconsistency of the service with requirements defined by European or national legislation and general conditions of carriage.

In the event of failure to respond to a complaint within the time limits set out above, where the complaint has been submitted in full and in the manner set out above, or where the response is deemed unsatisfactory, the passenger may:

In the event of a delay in the Carrier's response to the complaint, if the port of departure is in Italy (or the port of destination if the port of departure is in a non-EU country), the passenger will be entitled to automatic compensation as provided for in measure no. 5 of the Authority's resolution no. 83/2019 available on the Authority's website at the following link


Within the limits and conditions set out below, both standard and special fare tickets may be modified at the passenger's request by writing at the e-mail address Change of departure (date, time and/or line) and change and/or addition of passengers, vehicles, accommodation, pets or services is allowed within the limits of passenger seats and garage spaces available on board (varying according to date and sea line). It is not possible to change the fare level (standard fare or special fare) chosen at the time of purchase. If the change results in an increase in the original fare, the passenger must pay the difference. In the event of a change of departure, a change fee of € 30.00 will also apply. If the new journey costs less, the difference will be refunded if the change of ticket is made through the same channel as the original purchase. The Carrier reserves the right to launch special promotional campaigns for a limited time, during the course of the season, with tickets that are non-changeable, as well as non-refundable, or which may be subject to the different conditions of change and/or cancellation specified in the relevant conditions of applicability of the special offer. Change of departure (time, date, line) All tickets issued at both standard and special fares may be subject to a change by the passenger of the time, date and ports (of departure and/or arrival), provided that the change is requested within 2 days from the departure date indicated on the ticket to be changed and only in the event of simultaneous purchase of a journey already available for sale. This type of change will incur a €30 change fee, and any difference in fares if the new trip costs more than the previous one. If the new journey costs less, the difference will be refunded if the change of ticket is made through the same channel as the original purchase. This type of change can be made up to a maximum of 2 times. Change of product (name, accommodation, vehicle) These types of change can be requested up to the day of departure and also at the port ticket offices. No variation fees are charged, but any fare adjustment (if the new product costs more than the previous one) must be paid. The change is subject to availability of the requested product. Exception Tunisia and Morocco lines: for tickets issued with special Tunisia Return Discount and Morocco Return Discount fares, name changes can only be requested up to 2 days before the outbound journey. Addition of passenger (adult/child/infant), vehicle, pet, service (meals, pet kit, Naples-Civitavecchia-Naples shuttle bus) These types of changes can be requested up to the day of departure and also at the port ticket offices. No change fees are charged, but you must pay the cost of the additional passenger, new vehicle (and any fixed fees), animal or service at the rate in force at the time of the change. The change is subject to the availability of seats on board, or of the service requested. When adding the shuttle bus service from Naples to Civitavecchia and vice versa, it is necessary to verify the actual operation by calling +39 081.496.444 in advance. The Company reserves the right to launch extraordinary promotional campaigns for a limited time, which may limit or improve the above-mentioned conditions. These changes are specified in the conditions of application of the special offers.


Cancellation of the entire ticket or certain items on the ticket (reduction in the number of passengers, cancellation of vehicle, accommodation, pets) must be communicated in writing to the Carrier at, directly or through the intermediary from which the ticket was purchased (e.g. Travel Agency). For special fare tickets, cancellation does not entitle you to a refund unless otherwise provided for in the conditions of applicability of the special offer. For standard-fare tickets, cancellation of all or part of the ticket entitles the passenger to a refund of the value of the entire ticket or the cancelled items, subject to the following penalties:

  • 10% of the value, plus fixed charges, up to 30 calendar days before departure
  • 30% of the value, plus fixed charges, from 29 to 7 calendar days before departure
  • 50% of the value, plus fixed charges, from 6 to 2 calendar days before departure
  • 100% of the value, plus fixed charges, from the day before and/or for no-show at embarkation.

Requests to cancel a Standard-fare ticket will not be accepted if the date, time or line has already been changed twice. Meals on board, the pet kit and the pre-purchased shuttle bus service are refundable, except in the case of cancellation from the day before departure or no-show at embarkation (100% cancellation fee). Convention tickets are refundable according to the above conditions if standard fare; otherwise, they will not be refundable. No reimbursement is due for denied boarding due to refusal by the authority or lack/insufficiency of passenger or vehicle document. An insurance policy can be taken out to cover the above-mentioned cancellation penalties. For further details and to check the scope and limits of the cover, also in relation to the protections already provided for by law, consult the dedicated page and the information set available here:


Pets are considered to be the animals listed in Annex I of Reg. (EU) No 576/2013. Each ship has a certain number of places in cages; alternatively, it will be possible to bring the pet in the cabin with the owner, by purchasing the on-board service called pet kit. Animals that are not in a pet carrier or in a special case are not allowed to enter the lounge or common rooms, only on the outside decks of the ship. Dogs must be kept on a leash and muzzled at all times; otherwise, boarding may be denied. Animals are not allowed inside accompanying vehicles while sailing. Passengers must provide food for their pet, while water is offered on board. The passenger must look after the animal personally and is obliged to remove excrement, or anything else, produced by the animal. Any damage to the ship, persons or property caused by the animal must be paid for on the spot by its owner. The passenger is responsible for vaccinations and all necessary documentation for travelling and disembarking in the country of destination. For domestic journeys, registration in the canine registry (registered microchip) and a certificate of good health issued by a veterinarian are required. A European Pet Passport is required for transport between Schengen countries or from a Schengen country to a non-Schengen country. Dogs, cats and ferrets brought into the EU from Tunisia and Morocco must be identified by a microchip or clearly readable tattoo, if affixed before 03/07/2011. The documentation to be presented at the time of embarkation is as follows: health certificate in accordance with Annex IV of the Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 577/2013, copy of the certificate with the animal's electronic identification data, copy of the certificate with the rabies vaccination data. In addition to the rabies vaccination, these animals have to undergo what is known as 'antibody titration'. For up-to-date information on the transport of pets, we recommend consulting the Italian Ministry of Health website and the European Union website before purchasing and before travelling. If passengers arrive at check-in with an animal not mentioned on the ticket, the port agent will check the availability of places on board and collect the fare, issuing a ticket. Blind passengers may travel accompanied by a guide dog, in accordance with national (Italian Law no. 376 of 25 August 1988), international and EU regulations (article 11.5 of EU Regulation no. 1177/2010) at no additional cost. The guide dog may travel in the cabin with the passenger. The presence of the guide dog must be reported at the time of embarkation.


Children's discounts are indicated in the fare schedule. The age of the child must be documented. The day of embarkation of each single journey is used as a reference.


The currency on board is the Euro. There is no currency exchange. Cheques are not accepted.


Only items containing personal effects are allowed as luggage. Dangerous and harmful goods are not allowed without prejudice to current safety regulations. Passengers are kindly requested to take with them at all times the luggage necessary for the crossing, as the garage decks are closed while sailing. The Carrier's liability for luggage cannot exceed the limits provided for by the Athens Convention of 13/12/1974 as amended by the London Protocol of 01/11/2002 and/or by the Italian Navigation Code and/or by other Italian and international regulations in this sector that may be applicable, and always within the limits of 30 kg per person per item of unregistered luggage, including any luggage placed in or on the accompanying vehicle or deposited in the ship's baggage compartment where existing (pursuant to article 410 of the Italian Navigation Code). The Carrier is in no way liable for any theft, loss or damage to jewellery, money, documents, manuscripts, securities and valuables, wherever they are kept on board. If passengers discover that they have lost any of their personal belongings while still on board the ship, they can report the loss directly to Reception. If the item(s) is/are not found, or if passengers realise that they have forgotten a personal item on board when they have already disembarked from the ship, they can report this to the relevant office of the Company by sending an e-mail to the following address The loss report must be sent within one week from the date the passenger disembarked. Under no circumstances will the Carrier be obliged to pay any compensation in the event of failure to find the item(s).


Only one accompanying vehicle per passenger is permitted. No reimbursement is due for failure to board a vehicle containing goods for sale. All commercial vehicles, with or without a driver, must travel as freight, except for tourist buses accompanying groups of passengers. If the vehicle belongs to a different booking code than the one indicated on the ticket, passengers have to pay the difference between the categories plus the change fees. Otherwise, they lose the right to board and do not receive a refund. The accompanying vehicle is embarked and disembarked by the passenger, who, once it is parked in the place indicated by the on-board representative, is obliged to switch off the engine, engage the gear, pull the handbrake and lock the vehicle. Access to the garage area remains closed during the entire crossing. Non-running vehicles may not be boarded with passengers and must travel as freight. It is compulsory, when boarding, to declare whether the accompanying vehicle is equipped with a CNG or LPG fuel system. The CNG fuel system must comply with all applicable regulations on the subject and this compliance must be duly certified in the vehicle registration document. During the time the vehicles are stowed on board, the CNG tank shut-off valves must remain closed. The passenger must be in possession of all the documents required for disembarkation and customs clearance of the vehicle at the port of destination. The carrier declines all liability in the event of incomplete documentation. All costs and expenses arising from the embarkation, disembarkation and customs clearance of the vehicle are the responsibility of the passenger. Any damage caused by the vehicle to the ship and/or third parties must be paid for directly by the passenger who caused it, or through his or her insurance company. However, the passenger may at any time be asked to sign a damage liability declaration before disembarking from the ship. We recommend taking out an insurance policy to cover any damage that may occur during maritime transport for which the Carrier cannot be held liable. The Carrier shall only be liable for damages resulting from its direct responsibility and within the limits provided for by the Italian Navigation Code or by any applicable International Convention. The classification of vehicle categories is carried out by the Carrier and is available at on the purchase screen.


The ship owner and the Carrier have insurance issued by the P&I Club solely in respect of their liability towards third parties. It is possible to take out a multi-risk insurance policy to cover medical expenses, damage to or loss of luggage, travel cancellation costs and more. For further details and to check the scope and limits of the cover, also in relation to the protections already provided for by law, consult the dedicated page and the information set available here:


Passengers are accepted assuming they are in good health, both physical and mental. There is a first aid station and hospital/cabin on board.


By driver is meant the driver of a commercial vehicle boarded on the ship. There can be up to two drivers per vehicle. The price of the passage is established by the Grimaldi Freight Office and must be included in the bill of lading, together with the driver's name and surname. The driver must be in possession of the identity documents required for travel and disembarkation in the country of destination. For the purposes of SOLAS and the Decree of 13/10/1999, drivers are similar to passengers.


Reservations and tickets are offered to PRMs under the same conditions as all other passengers, at no extra cost. The Carrier and the terminal operators will make all reasonable efforts to ensure adequate assistance to PRMs during embarkation and disembarkation and on board the ship. It is the responsibility of PRMs to communicate in writing, at the time of ticket purchase or at least forty-eight hours before the assistance is needed (24 hours in advance for Convention Lines), their specific requirements for accommodation, seating, services requested or the need to carry medical equipment. Requests for assistance should be sent to the Company at The PRM must be present at the port at the agreed time, and in any case at least 60 minutes before the departure time (30 minutes before for Lines in Convention). After arriving at the port, PRMs can go to the dedicated Grimaldi Lines PRM ASSISTANCE desk or reach directly the embarkation yard by car with the four indicators on, waiting for an attendant to provide the type of assistance they need and indicate where to park the car on the garage deck, to reach the lifts more conveniently, providing the wheelchair on board, if necessary. The onshore ticket office, which carries out the check-in, will give PRMs embarking with their vehicle a sticker to be affixed on the vehicle. On arrival on board, these vehicles will be directed as a priority to on-board parking areas intended for them, allowing full mobility of PRMs and easy access to passenger areas. If it is strictly necessary pursuant to Article 8 of European Regulation no. 1177/2010, the Carrier may require the PRM to be accompanied by another person capable of providing the necessary assistance. In this case, the accompanying person is transported free of charge. If for justified safety reasons and/or due to the design of the ship or the port infrastructure and equipment (including port terminals) it is absolutely impossible to allow the safe or feasible embarkation, disembarkation or transport of a PRM, the Carrier may refuse to accept the reservation and/or issue the ticket and/or deny embarkation, giving immediate notice of the reasons. PRMs who are denied boarding for the above reasons have the right to choose between reimbursement or re-routing (as soon as possible or at a later date of their choice). In accordance with the applicable legislation and in particular with Regulation (EU) No. 1177/2010 and Regulation (EU) No. 392/2009, the Carrier will provide compensation for damage resulting from the loss of or damage to mobility equipment or other specific equipment used by PRMs, if the damaging event is attributable to its fault or negligence. In order to be able to claim damages, passengers may send a written request to the Company by e-mail to the address or by ordinary registered mail and certified e-mail, possibly using the special claim form available on the Company's institutional website. If needed, the Carrier will make every effort to swiftly provide suitable temporary replacement equipment. On board, assistance to PRMs is provided by the Commissioner or other person appointed. Crew members chosen to assist PRMs must always wear a white/blue armband with the word ASSISTANCE on their arm so that they can be easily recognised by passengers. In case of emergency, the person appointed helps the PRM to reach the meeting point and the boarding points. Access to the ship's decks is facilitated by the presence of lifts fitted with a luminous keypad, audio and appropriate keys for blind passengers. Cabins equipped for PRMs are available on board the ships, in accordance with the relevant regulations. In public areas, routes leading to the main on-board services are highlighted with tactile guides. There are also dedicated and equipped toilets for PRMs. On board ships there are places reserved for PRMs, marked with identification plates and equipped for fixing wheelchairs.


Women who are over 6 months pregnant may only travel if they have a medical certificate authorising them to travel, issued no more than 7 days before departure. In cases of high-risk pregnancy, the pregnant passenger must have a medical certificate authorising travel regardless of the months of pregnancy. In any case, the passenger will not be allowed to embark if the birth is due in the 7 days following departure or has taken place in the 7 days preceding departure. This is without prejudice to the right of the Master of the ship to refuse to allow the passenger to embark if her condition or other circumstances, in his/her sole discretion, do not allow her to undertake the journey in complete safety.



Minor passengers must be in possession of a valid individual identity document in accordance with the provisions of Regulation EC no. 2252/2004. (see § TRAVEL DOCUMENTS). Passengers under 14 years of age may only travel when accompanied by a person of legal age. If this person is not a parent (or guardian), a declaration signed by the parents/guardians must be handed over to the Master of the ship or the Commissioner, whereby they entrust the child to the designated accompanying person, who will be responsible for the child for all legal purposes. This declaration must be accompanied by the valid identity documents of both parents/guardians and, in the case of non-EU nationals, the residence permit where the child is registered. Minor passengers over 14 years of age may be admitted on board the ship provided that they provide the Master of the ship or the Commissioner with a letter of release signed by both parents, with their respective identity documents attached, in which they declare that they assume all responsibility for any personal injury and/or damage caused to third parties. Under no circumstances shall the Master of the ship and/or any other member of the crew take custody of, and be responsible for, the child on board the ship. It is understood that passengers will be responsible for providing all necessary documentation required by the country of destination and the Carrier assumes no responsibility if such documentation is deemed insufficient by the authorities at the port of destination.


All passengers, including children and infants, must be in possession of the identity document valid at the time of check-in at the port (identity card, passport). In this regard, boarding with the mere self-certification pursuant to Presidential Decree 445/2000 will in no case be allowed. Otherwise, boarding will be refused, without the right to a ticket refund.

The travel documents are:

  • In the case of travel on the national territory, an identity card or one of the identification documents deemed equivalent by article 35, paragraph 2, of the Decree of the President of the Republic no. 445 of December 28, 2000.
  • In the case of travel to Schengen States, passengers must always be in possession of a recognized document valid for crossing borders:
    • an identity card valid for expatriation
    • the passport
  • In the case of travel to non-Schengen foreign countries, valid documents are considered:
    • the passport

For details regarding travel documentation, please refer to or, in the case of passengers without Italian citizenship, it is appropriate to consult the competent Authority of the country of origin.

Before embarking, passengers must ensure that he has all the necessary documentation to disembark in the port of destination; in no case the Carrier will be liable for any refusal to disembark by the local authorities, in the event of insufficient documentation necessary for entry into the country of destination.


Passengers must arrive at check-in at least two hours prior to departure (from/to Tunisia and Morocco, three hours prior to departure), except in exceptional cases, as promptly communicated by the Company. If passengers fail to arrive within the said time limit, they lose their right to board, even if they have a ticket. Check-in can take place at the ticket office with delivery of the boarding card, or on the yard facing the ship (fast check-in) with the possibility of printing the boarding card at the totems on board. The order in which vehicles are boarded is determined by the Master of the Ship and/or his/her subordinates and officers, as well as the place where the vehicle is to be parked.


The passenger is required to strictly observe the on-board regulations and comply with the regulations in force for maritime transport, in particular those relating to navigation safety. It is forbidden to smoke on board in all indoor areas. The on-board personnel are legally responsible for ensuring compliance with this prohibition and to report any non-compliance with the relevant Authorities in accordance with Law No. 3 of 16 January 2003 and the relevant implementation agreement of 16 December 2004.

Failure to comply with any statutory provision, on-board rules, order or Authority regulations concerning safety shall be punished in accordance with applicable civil and criminal laws.

In accordance with existing anti-terrorism regulations (ISPS), passengers may at any time be subject to luggage inspection and/or requested to submit identification to the ship's officers.


The liability of the Carrier for the loss of human life, bodily injury and/or loss or damage to luggage, vehicle, valuables, personal effects and/or other property of the passenger shall under no circumstances exceed the limits set by the Athens Convention of 13/12/1974 as amended by the Protocol of London of 01/11/2002 and/or the Italian Navigation Code and/or from other Italian and international legislation in the sector where applicable.


The fares for the services offered can be found on the website in the purchase form. Any increase or decrease in fares does not affect bookings that have already been made or opted for. For online purchases, once the passenger selects the quoted price, the fare cannot change during the ticket purchase process. For promotions, the passenger may purchase a ticket at the discounted price (Special Fare - non-refundable) or at the full price (Standard Fare - refundable in case of cancellation within the limits and under the conditions set out in paragraph 23).

TICKETS (Passage Contract)

The passenger ticket is only valid for the persons indicated on the ticket. The ticket is non-transferable.

The ticket can be submitted in paper form, fax, e-mail. At the time of boarding ("check-in") the passenger will be given the "boarding pass" upon presentation of the regular "ticket" and valid documents of the passengers and any accompanied vehicles. The passenger is required to keep both documents ("ticket" and "boarding pass") for the entire crossing; if found without a ticket or boarding pass, the passenger will be required to pay double the ticket cost. In the event of a claim, the passenger will be required to show a copy of both the ticket and the boarding pass, otherwise the claim cannot be processed.


The contract for the carriage of passengers, their luggage and vehicles is governed by Regulation (EU) No. 1177/2010, the Athens Convention of 13/12/1974 as amended by the London Protocol of 01/11/2002, the Italian Navigation Code as interpreted in accordance with the Italian legal system and any subsequent amendments to the aforesaid law and/or any new sector regulations.

In accordance with and with the effects of Article 19 (VI) of Regulation (EU) No. 1177/2010, the carrier establishes that the minimum threshold below which the economic compensation is not expected is € 6 (six).

Exemptions and exoneration of the liability of the Carrier as per Article 20 of Regulation (EU) No. 1177/2010 as well as those provided by the Italian Navigation Code and any applicable national and international regulations remain valid.


Bookings can be made at a Travel Agent, at Grimaldi Lines offices and agents or on-line at . The ticket is payable upon confirmation. The payment of the fare is due to Grimaldi Lines at booking. No booking is confirmed without full payment of the fare. No passenger ticket can be issued without payment.

For security reasons the names of the passengers, the information concerning ID document, the type and the registration number of the vehicle as stated on the ticket have to correspond to the departing passengers and their vehicles. Otherwise, access to departure gates and boarding may be refused.


The vessels in service are passenger Ro/Pax or CRUISE Ferries, suited to transport passengers and freight.


The Master has the right to proceed without pilot, to tow and assist other vessels under any circumstance, to deviate from the standard route, to call at any port, to transfer passengers and their luggage onto another vessel for the continuation of the journey. The Carrier and, on its behalf, the Master of the vessel have the right to refuse embarkation to any passenger whose health conditions, at their sole discretion, do not permit them to make the journey. Furthermore, during the journey, in any port, the Carrier and, on its behalf, the Master have the right to disembark any passengers who, at their sole discretion, are in such health conditions that do not allow the continuation of the journey or whose behavior represents a danger or a serious disturbance to the other passengers or the crew. Any passenger on board the vessel is subject to the disciplinary power of the Master for all matters concerning safety and the navigation. The Carrier and the Master have the right to follow any order or directive given by governments or authorities of any state or by subjects that act or declare to act on behalf of or in agreement with such governments or authorities or by any other individual who, based on the conditions of the insurance policy covering war risks to the vessel, can issue such orders or directives. All actions and omissions taken by the Carrier or Master in execution or as a consequence of such orders or directives shall not be considered as breach of contract. The disembarkation of passengers and their luggage as a consequence of such orders or directives release the Carrier from any liability for the continuation of the journey or the repatriation of the passengers.


  • "Carrier" means the Owner of the vessel that performs the sea transport.
  • "Luggage" means hand luggage owned by the passenger, not registered, or stowed in or on the vehicle or deposited in one of the vessels baggage storage room, and that contains only personal belongings.
  • "Accompanied vehicle" means any motor vehicle (including towed vehicles) for the carriage of persons, not carrying goods for sale, owned or legally available to the passenger indicated on the passenger ticket.


According to the S.O.L.A.S. Convention, the P.D. 23/99 of the Greek state, the Council Directive 98/41/EC and the Port Authorities’ regulations and instructions, it is now mandatory, for reasons of safety, to state the following information when making your reservation: Surname, Name, Sex, Age category (Adult, Child, Infant), Type of vehicle and Plate number (if applicable). Nationality, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, ID/passport number, telephone number and e-mail address also need to be provided.

Passengers requiring special care must notify their travel agent or the Company’s main reservation offices.

Passengers’ contact information: We advise passengers, upon purchasing their tickets, to provide the issuing agency with their telephone number, (preferably their mobile phone number) so that they are informed in case of delay, cancellation or suspension of the itineraries. In case that passengers do not wish to provide any contact information, the Company does not assume any liability since the passengers will not be informed in case of delay, cancellation or suspension of the itineraries.


For unaccompanied vehicles, no special offers will be applied, except the return offer.

Exclusively for Minoan Lines Bonus Club members 10% discount will be granted for unaccompanied vehicles.

After issuing a passenger and a vehicle ticket under the same reservation, it is not allowed to separate the person from the vehicle. If the system allows the separation, the price of the vehicle will return to full fare pricing and the passenger will lose any package offer applied.


  • Fares and timetables listed in this catalogues are based on conditions existing at the time of print.
  • Passengers are responsible for complying with all port, health and customs regulations.
  • Passengers must comply with the instructions given by the captain or the crew regarding public order and safety on board.
  • Passengers must contact the captain or the staff captain should a complaint arises while on board. They may also contact the company or the Port Authorities after the end of the journey.
  • The rights and obligations of both the passengers and the Company regarding domestic routes are governed by L.3709/2008 and the Regulation No 1177/2010 of the European Parliament and the Council of 24 November 2010.
  • The Company reserves the right to substitute the vessel for which the ticket was issued after approval from the Ministry of Mercantile Marine, when it is required.
  • Timetables, fares and travel terms and conditions are subject to changes without prior notice. In case of a substantial increase of fuel prices, the Company reserves the right to change the fares without prior notice.
  • Arrival times quoted in timetables indicate the ship’s arrival at the port’s entrance (pilot station).
  • The company is not liable for any delay or cancellation resulting from deviation or from not keeping the scheduled route due to bad weather conditions or orders by the Ministry of Mercantile Marine or due to force majeure.
  • In case of cancellation of itineraries or suspension of scheduled itineraries, which are not due to event beyond the control of the company, the liability of the company is limited to the refund of the fare to the passenger, in case the Company has informed the passenger (a) one week before the scheduled departure for the domestic lines and (b) fifteen days before the scheduled departure for international lines.
  • This contract of carriage is governed by Greek Law. Any claim arising from this contract is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Heraklion Crete, irrespective of its legal basis. Carriage, whether domestic or international, is subject to the provisions and financial limits of responsibility which are provided by the Regulation (EU) No 392/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 23 of April 2009, to the extent that the above provisions apply to the carriage of passengers, their luggage and vehicles, as they are in force in Greece.
  • Passengers are required prior to their trip to always consult their travel agencies, the Company’s Central agencies, Port Agencies or the official website ( to be informed for any schedule changes or deviations from the published itineraries.


  • Pets travel in cabins available for pet carriage* or in specially designed kennels on the ship’s deck**.
  • Pets are not allowed in indoor public areas or cabins. Pet owners are responsible for their pets’ feeding and hygiene. Pet owners are required to bear their pets’ valid health documents in original format, recently updated.

(*) Service provided on board the vessels Knossos Palace, Festos Palace, Kydon Palace.
(**) Service provided on board all vessels of the fleet.

It is now mandatory to record the details of companion or service animals that are to be transported by ships, in the passenger reservation and ticketing system of each company, in the special field for recording the marking-identification details of the companion animal's health booklet or passport.

Download the relevant statement entitled "PET TRANSPORTATION DECLARATION FORM / FOR PASSENGER / ANIMAL / ESCORT / OWNER" which will state the name of the vessel, the trip date, the ports of departure and arrival, the details of the passenger (owner / animal companion) and his/her ticket number, the animal identification number, the type and number of the animal's health booklet or passport, the weight of the animal and whether the prescribed vaccinations have been carried out.

The completed declaration form must be signed and handed over to the ship's finance officer upon boarding.


  • The following credit cards are accepted in the shops, the “self service restaurants” and the “à la carte restaurants” on board: AMERICAN EXPRESS / DINERS / VISA / MASTERCARD / EURO CARD.
  • EURO is the official currency on board.


  • Use of public areas on board is free for all passengers.
  • It is prohibited to sleep in the lounge areas, bars and corridors.


  • Luggage may be left inside the vehicles. Passengers are kindly requested to take their personal belongings that might be used during the voyage.
  • Access to the ship’s garage during the voyage is prohibited.
  • The Company shall not be held responsible in case of loss of money or valuables excepting the fact of checking them at the Purser’s office after an agreement for safe keeping.
  • The limit of liability for loss or damage to cabin luggage shall be determined by the relevant provisions of Regulation (EU) No 392/2009 of the European Parliament and Council of 23.04.2009.


Passengers with reduced mobility (here indicated as RMP) are those who are not able to move easily or those who need assistance.

Passengers RMP can book only by sending an email to The number of RMP cabins is limited, to purchase them in advance is highly recommended.

The same conditions applied for all the other passengers, when it comes to bookings and tickets, are valid for them too. In case their embarkation is denied, they can choose between refund and an alternative transport solution.

When RMP book or buy a ticket, they should report in writing their specific needs for the accommodation, the seat, the services required or the need to bring medical equipment. The request for assistance must be sent to the Company (enclosing a copy of a valid identity document), after buying the ticket and at least 48 hours before the departure to the email address

For any other assistance, they have to inform the company at least 48h before departure and they need to show up in the agreed meeting point, in advance respect to the published embarkation time.

If a Carrier or a terminal operator, due to its fault or negligence, causes loss or damage to mobility equipment or other specific equipment used by people with disabilities, he must offer a compensation corresponding to such persons the replacement value of the equipment concerned or, where appropriate, the costs of repair.

The Hotel Manager or any other appointed person ensures the assistance to RMP. Once the Hotel Manager has been informed that a RMP is expected on board, an adequate assistance will be arranged: from the embarkation to the disembarkation. The Hotel Manager will highlight the cabins reserved to the RMP on the ship layout diagram and will give a copy of it to the Captain.

The crew personnel in charge of RMP assistance must wear a white/blue band on the arm with ASSISTANCE written on it, in order to be easily recognized. The ticket office ashore must provide the RMP vehicle with a sticker, which can guarantee parking priority in the dedicated areas.

When boarding, such vehicles must be addressed as a priority towards the parking areas on board intended for them. The above areas allow full mobility of the PMR and the easy access to passengers’ areas. Before the arrival, the Hotel Manager must inform the destination port agent about all the RMP needs for disembarkation and assistance ashore. In case of emergency, the person indicated for the purpose in the Master’s List will help the RMP to reach the meeting place and the debarkation areas. Ship decks can be easily reached by elevators provided with luminous keyboard, appropriate audio and keys for blind passengers.

On board there are equipped cabins available for disabled people, in accordance with the current law. In the public areas, tactile guides highlight the paths that lead to the main on-board services. There are also restrooms dedicated and equipped for the disabled. Aboard the ships there are parking spaces reserved for the disabled, highlighted by identification plates and equipped with facilities for fixing wheelchairs.


Neither the carrier nor the ship are liable for any accident, loss or damage occurring prior to boarding or loading and after disembarkation.

It is strictly forbidden for passengers to carry firearms, explosives, flammables, combustibles and other dangerous substances or materials on board.


According to the Directive 98/41/EC and article 5 of Presidential Decree 23/1999 (Government Gazette A'17), passengers' data will be confirmed during the process of embarkation (check-in) on board. All passengers while boarding the ship, along with their ticket should present their Identity Card, or other official proof of certification element of their identity. In case of denied boarding by the authorized officers of the vessel, consequence of the above, will result the in the loss of the passenger fare.

Passengers and vehicles must report at the port offices for check-in:

  • At least one hour (1) before departure for passengers of domestic routes and two (2) hours for passengers of international routes. Otherwise the Company reserves the right to grant the reserved accomodation without any refund to the passenger.
  • For vehicles, boarding time and priority list is subject to the local port authority regulations at the port of departure. Vehicle operators are responsible for their vehicle’s embarkation according to the ship’s crew instructions.
  • Vehicle passengers should exit the vehicle before embarkation.
  • Vehicle category and plate number is displayed on the ticket upon passenger’s declaration.


  • Passengers must ensure they have all valid documents (ID, passport, declaration or any other required documents) complying with the entry requirements of the country they visit.
  • Passengers’ entry to the country of destination may be not permitted in case they do not have the required travel documents.
  • The Company shall not be held responsible in case a passenger is denied disembarkation by local authorities due to lack of the necessary documents for entry to the country of destination.


  • The identity of minors is verified by showing their identity card or passport.
  • For minors under the age of 12 travelling in the domestic line, any other official document and/or relevant identification certificate issued by the Citizens’ Service Centers (KEP) or the Police is accepted.
  • The Company does not permit unaccompanied minors who are not 15 or older to travel on their own. They have to be accompanied by an adult.
  • For minors at the age of 15 and over (15-18) travelling without an adult companion, a statement of the parent or legal guardian should be submitted to the Company. The statement shall contain their consent to the minor’s transportation and acknowledgement that it is not possible for the minor to be under the supervision of the Captain and/or the officers and/or crew members during the trip, up to disembarkation at the port of destination as well as that the parent or guardian will hold harmless and indemnify the Company and its personnel for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the minor's journey. Related statements are available at the company’s offices (e-mail: Download here
  • Parents or legal guardians of minors bear full responsibility for the acquisition and possession – before minors’ embarkation - of the appropriate, lawful and valid travel documents and all accompanying documents that may be required at the port of destination. Under no circumstances shall the company be liable if the authorities at the port of destination consider the said documents not sufficient.


  • Children under the age of 4 travel free of charge and are not entitled to a berth or a seat. However, a free ticket must be issued for embarkation.
  • 50% discount is granted to children 4 - 16 years old for all accommodation categories. Children must always be accompanied by an adult.


  • Cabins are characterized as a single bed or 2/3/4/5-berth depending on the number of passengers occupying them, not on the number of beds.


  • The tariffs include sea passage and port taxes (domestic & international routes) in selected accommodation arrangements. Meals and beverages are not included.
  • The 30% return trip discount is offered exclusively for the return fare of international routes when a round trip fare is booked; it is valid for any port of return. The 20% discount is offered exclusively on the return fares of Domestic Lines , when the return ticket is issued at the same time and is issued from any port where the return is selected. All other discounts are not cumulative and only one of them is granted at a time, when applicable conditions are met.
  • Passengers entitled to discounted fares are kindly requested to state it at the time of booking. Once the ticket has been issued, no refunds are allowed for price differences.
  • Groups, trucks, buses and unescorted vehicles are subject to special agreements.


In the event of ticket loss, passengers must notify either the issuing Travel Agency or the Company.


The return discount will only be given if the same passengers travel on departure and return and if the tickets are issued at the same time.

Cancellation of a passenger or vehicle onward ticket will not be allowed, in case there is a valid return ticket with a relevant discount.


The fare of open date tickets or tickets that have not traveled (not show) and the date for which they were issued has passed, as well as tickets that come from a replacement of open tickets, are not refunded.

  • From the date of the ticket issue and up to 14 days before the scheduled departure, the fare of the ticket is fully refundable.
  • From 13 days up to 7 days before the scheduled departure: 75% refund.
  • From 6 days up to 12 hours before the scheduled departure: 50% refund.
  • In less than 12 hours of the scheduled departure: the fare is not refunded.


  • Reservations and bookings can be made through all Central agencies, cooperating travel agencies, the Central reservation offices, the Port offices of the Company as well as the official Minoan Lines website.
  • The ticket is issued in the passenger’s name and is strictly personal. It is not transferable and is valid only for the specific accommodation and the route it has been issued for. Any change must be reported to the issuing Agent, the Central reservation offices or the Port offices.
  • Passengers with “open date” tickets should confirm their new reservations well in advance especially during high season. Such tickets are valid for one year after the scheduled departure date, if it is written on the tickets. If no scheduled departure date is mentioned, then they are valid for one year after the issuing date. Any difference in price is paid by the passenger and the ticket should be validated by the issuing agency, the Central reservation office or the Port office.

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Des Paiements Sécurisés

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VOTRE expert personnel <br> en réservation de ferry

VOTRE expert personnel
en réservation de ferry

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