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Chacun de nos clients se voit attribuer un agent de réservation de ferry personnel qui parle sa langue et répond dans les 3 heures ouvrables. Votre agent est à votre disposition avant, pendant et après votre voyage.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Cumulez des "miles" à chaque fois que vous voyagez en ferry, quelle que soit la compagnie de ferry avec laquelle vous voyagez !
Échangez vos Miles et obtenez des réductions et des billets GRATUITS !
Il est fortement conseillé de connaître les conditions générales de la compagnie de ferry avec laquelle vous voyagez. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les conditions officielles qui régissent votre réservation et votre voyage avec Meander Travel. Si vous avez besoin de précisions supplémentaires, n'hésitez pas à contacter votre expert personnel en réservation de ferry pour obtenir de l'aide.
The buyer (passenger) gives the necessary confirmation electronically that he/she has read and is informed about the basic qualities of the passenger transportation ticket subject to this contract, passenger transportation rules, sales price and payment method and all information regarding delivery. The Buyer accepts and undertakes that he/she has read this contract and passenger transportation rules, will comply with all the rules in the contract, and will fulfill all his/her obligations.
The buyer agrees and undertakes that in the event that the buyer does not comply with the rules specified in this contract and does not fulfill its obligations in accordance with the rules specified in the contract, the seller may terminate this contract immediately without any notice, reserving all rights.
All damages arising from the buyer’s failure to comply with this contract belong to the buyer.
Tickets purchased in accordance with this contract are only at the order of the person named on the ticket and can be used personally. The buyer accepts and undertakes that the information he/she enters on the website is correct and that he/she has purchased tickets to be used by the person named on the ticket. If it is determined that the person named on the ticket and the person who wants to receive the service are different, the buyer accepts and undertakes that the seller has no responsibility arising from this contract and may terminate this contract without any notice.
Tickets are personal and cannot be transferred to anyone else.
Once the ticket is purchased, the reservation cannot be changed, the ticket cannot be canceled or refunded.
The passenger is obliged to present the credit card used for the purchase to the authorities at check-in (at the port when boarding pass is taken).
Open date tickets are valid for the year of issue.
The passenger agrees to obey the ship’s order and the captain’s instructions.
The passenger must be present at the port at least 1 hour before the departure time of the ship.
The Seller reserves the right to make any changes in the itinerary.
Any disputes related to the transportation shall be resolved in Kusadasi Courts in accordance with the current tariff conditions and Turkish Laws and Legislation.
Due to bad weather and sea conditions, problems beyond the control of the seller, voyages may be stopped, changed or voyage times may be extended. The seller is not responsible for any expenses or inconveniences, including transportation, accommodation and food expenses that may arise from these and similar delays and cancellations beyond the control of the seller.
Women who are over six months pregnant are not allowed to travel on our ships for their own safety.
The seller shall not be liable for any injury or death, damage or loss to vehicles, luggage or personal belongings, unless it is proved by a court of law in Kusadasi that such injury or death was caused by the fault or negligence of the seller. The seller shall not be liable for any injury, death, loss or damage caused by terrorism, riots, civil war, natural disasters, bad sea and weather conditions or malicious acts of third parties.
The carrier cannot be held responsible for lost passenger belongings on board the vessels.
The ticket price is only for transportation between the port of departure and the port of destination. Tickets can only be used for the route indicated on the ticket. The itineraries on the tickets cannot be changed. It does not cover any other service offered unless an additional fee has been charged by the seller.
In case the fare is paid in a currency other than the currency in which it is advertised, the evaluation will be made at the Central Bank Foreign Exchange Sales Rate at the time of purchase of the electronic ticket.
There is no guarantee of a specific seat number on the ship.
Greece does not require a visa from Green and Gray Passport holders.
Regular passport holders must have a Schengen Visa valid for the duration of the cruise.
Turkish Citizens with TRNC entry stamp in their passports cannot travel to Greece with these passports.
It is dangerous and forbidden for passengers to board and disembark the ship until the ramp is fully opened for embarkation and disembarkation and the ship’s crew has given boarding or disembarkation approval and necessary security measures have been taken.
If a passenger behaves on board the ship in such a manner as to endanger the ship or any person or property, or obstructs the ship’s crew in the performance of their duties, or fails to comply with the instructions of the ship’s crew, or causes reasonable objection by other passengers, the seller may take such measures as he deems necessary to prevent the continuation of such behavior, including restraining the passenger.
Passengers must remain seated during take-off and docking maneuvers. Passengers are required to comply with the warnings announced by announcements during navigation. The seller cannot be held responsible for injuries and material damages that may arise from non-compliance with these rules.
The seller shall be liable only in the event of damage to the passenger or baggage due to its own fault. In case of mutual fault of the passenger, the seller’s liability may be reduced or removed subject to the provisions of the legislation.23. The seller shall not be liable for damage to breakable and perishable items, money, jewelry, precious metals, silverware, promissory notes or other commercial valuable papers, passports and other identification documents or specimens in the baggage.
The seller shall not be liable for any illness, injury or disability, including death of a passenger due to or aggravated by any of the aforementioned conditions when a passenger whose age, mental or physical condition creates a danger or risk to him/her.
On your return from Samos, you are required to visit the kiosk/office of our agency (Samos Travel Services) at the Port of Samos to get your boarding passes and check-in procedures. (Tel: +30 2273 300506)
To facilitate your check-in at the ports, please do not forget to print out your online ticket.
Passengers with one-way tickets who are not allowed to enter Greece are obliged to purchase a ticket for their return journey.
Passengers with one-way tickets who are not allowed to enter Turkey must purchase a new ticket for their return journey.
The passenger undertakes and accepts that he/she does not have a TRNC stamp in his/her passport and that he/she will personally pay the fine to be imposed by Greece if he/she attempts to travel with a TRNC stamp in his/her passport and that he/she has been informed about this issue by announcement.
The passenger undertakes and agrees that his/her passport, visa, residence permit or other travel documents do not have any validity period, scope, date, number of entries, length of stay or any other similar element that prevents him/her from entering Greece and that he/she will personally pay the fine to be imposed by Greece in case he/she attempts to travel in case he/she does, and that he/she has been informed about this issue by announcement.
For round-trip tickets for different seasons, the season price of the departure date is applied.
For closed return tickets, the return date cannot be changed.
For open return tickets, there is no availability guarantee for the return date.
For open return tickets, the return date and time must be confirmed with our agencies in Samos during business hours one day before the departure.
The Seller may refuse to carry the Passenger and/or Passenger Baggage for security reasons or at its discretion in the following and similar cases:
Passengers refused carriage will not be refunded the ticket price and will not be compensated in any way by the seller.
Recherche de ports disponibles par port de départ ou d'arrivée
Pourquoi réserver avec Greekferries Club
C'est simple. Nous sommes là pour vous à chaque étape.
Le système de réservation de Greekferries
Entrez vos itinéraires de ferry et vos dates de voyage et nous vous guiderons à partir de là. Trouvez tous les horaires, les disponibilités et les prix et réservez vos billets de ferry en trois étapes simples !
Le meilleur prix pour un billet de ferry
Nous incluons toutes les réductions auxquelles vous avez droit. Vous n'avez aucune recherche à faire !
Des Paiements Sécurisés
Notre passerelle de paiement est entièrement conforme aux directives et lignes directrices PSD2 SCA / EMV 3-D Secure 2.0.
Le service de discussion en ligne
Si vous rencontrez des difficultés ou si vous avez simplement une question, utilisez le service de chat de notre moteur de réservation et nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous aider !
VOTRE expert personnel
en réservation de ferry
Que vous fassiez votre réservation en ligne ou que vous demandiez notre assistance, vous serez mis en relation avec un agent expérimenté qui parle couramment votre langue.