Conditions générales d'utilisation

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Sélectionnez un voyage en ferry

Ma réservation

Kerkyra Seaways

Kerkyra Seaways - Conditions générales d'utilisation

Il est fortement conseillé de connaître les conditions générales de la compagnie de ferry avec laquelle vous voyagez.Vous trouverez ci-dessous les conditions officielles qui régissent votre réservation et votre voyage avec Kerkyra Seaways.Si vous avez besoin de précisions supplémentaires, n'hésitez pas à contacter votre expert personnel en réservation de ferry pour obtenir de l'aide.

Tickets Purchase

The ticket is individual, non-transferable and valid only for the trip, the route and the place that was issued. It is not allowed to issue a passenger ticket and proof of transport of a vehicle inside the ship.

Registration of Passengers

According to the directive 98/41 of the European Union, as it has been incorporated in the Greek law with the p.d. 23/1999, as amended and in force, for each passenger ship departing from a Greek port and sailing more than 20 miles from the point of departure, the following information must be recorded: surname, first name or initial, sheet, the age or indication of the age category as well as any information voluntarily provided by the person, related to the special care or assistance that may be needed. During the electronic reservation and / or the issuance of the ticket, the passenger is obliged to check the correctness of the information listed on the ticket (date, time, itinerary, ship, identity details, etc.) and not to receive it in case of incorrect entry. The transfer of the ticket without the approval of the carrier or the issuer of the ticket is prohibited.

When booking the ticket online or issuing it, the passenger is obliged to provide his / her exact identity, contact telephone number and e-mail address, with the sole purpose of informing the carrier in case of delay, cancellation or cancellation of the ship’s route. In case the passenger does not wish to disclose contact information, it is registered in writing by the issuer in the system Electronic Reservation System and Issuance of Passenger Tickets and Vehicle Transfer Receipts. In case of electronic reservation, the passenger fills in his contact details in the relevant electronics.

Fares – Discounts

Passenger tickets and vehicle receipts indicate the gross fare, which includes the net fare, third party charges (fees, reservations) and VAT. The categories of persons entitled to a discount on fares are mentioned in detail in HA 3324.1 / 01/13 of 15/7/2013, as amended and in force. The passenger must inform during the reservation and before the issuance of the ticket in case he is entitled to a fare discount by showing the necessary original documents. In case of non-submission of the relevant supporting documents, no discount will be granted. Children up to 5 years old travel for free and it is necessary to book and issue a ticket with zero fare.

Boarding Procedure

The passenger is obliged to:

  • to arrive on board half an hour before the scheduled departure time.
  • bring the vehicle to the loading area 1 hour before departure.
  • to show his ticket and the necessary documents in case he has a ticket with a reduced fare, during boarding and checking and to occupy the corresponding position or bed (if available) indicated on it.
  • not to remain in vehicle areas. Their drivers are excluded, only during the boarding and disembarking of vehicles from ships.
  • In case of a person with a disability or reduced mobility, inform the ticket issuer or the carrier that he needs assistance no later than forty eight (48) hours before the assistance is provided and that he is at a predetermined point at a specific time, which does not exceed sixty (60) minutes before the scheduled departure time of the ship. In addition, when booking, notify the carrier of his special needs for accommodation, seat or required services or the need to bring medical equipment with him.

In the event that a passenger with a ticket does not arrive on time on the ship (until the scheduled departure time), he is not entitled to a refund of the ticket price paid.

Ship Scheduling

The itineraries are performed in rotation by the ships "E / G – O / G AGIA IRINI", "E / G – O / G AGIOS SPYRIDON", "E / G – O / G ELENI", "E / G – O / G IONAS", "E / G – O / G NANTI", "E / G – O / G HERMES". Ship routing may change according to the needs of the passenger traffic. For additional clarifications regarding the planning of the ships, the passengers can contact our company by phone at +30 2810 529000 or via email


The passenger is entitled to carry hand luggage weighing up to 50 kg, without paying a special fare. Persons with reduced mobility are entitled, without paying a special fare, to carry in addition to hand luggage, any equipment or aids required for their autonomous movement, regardless of weight. The company is not responsible for any theft, loss or damage of passengers’ luggage.

If the luggage is delivered for safekeeping and a receipt is issued, the carrier is responsible for any damage or loss of luggage on board.

Cancellation or Change of Ticket

To cancel the online reservation, the user must inform our company via e-mail at Depending on the time of cancellation the following amounts are refunded:

  • 100% refund, if cancellation is made within a period of more than 1 week from the date of departure.
  • 75% refund if canceled 1 week before the departure date.
  • 50% refund, if canceled 3 days before the departure date.
  • The company has no obligation to refund any amount of money in case of cancellation less than 24 hours before departure or if the passenger does not show up at boarding.

In case of change of the date of your tickets, the refund is not valid. Part of the reservation is not cancelled.


  • All tickets can be converted into Open-Date tickets up to 2 hours before the scheduled departure time (this process can only be done once).
  • Open date tickets can be used on the next trip depending on availability, within 6 months from the date of the original ticket.
  • The choice of the next departure date must be stated at least one day before the scheduled departure.
  • In case of cancellation of the tickets that have been converted into an open date, the money will not be refunded.
  • To convert your tickets into open date tickets you should contact our company via email at

Part of the reservation cannot be converted to an open date.


For the refund of the ticket amount, the user must inform our company via e-mail at

Ticket Loss

In case of loss of the ticket or the proof of transport of the vehicle, in order for the passenger to travel he will have to buy a new ticket. If the passenger declares the loss in writing stating the date of the trip, the itinerary, the number of both the lost and the new ticket, and if after checking the records of KERKYRA SEAWAYS it turns out that the lost ticket was not used and was not replaced within six (6 months from the date of travel then the passenger is entitled to a new ticket of the same value as the lost one.


The passenger ships of KERKYRA SEAWAYS have specially designed areas for the stay of pets carried during the journey by the passengers in whom the pets must remain throughout the journey. Exceptionally small pets are allowed to accompany their owners in enclosed passenger compartments – lounges as long as they are transported in special baskets / cages or have a muzzle and are vaccinated as well as carry their health booklets. Any damage caused by the animals will be borne by their companions.

Ship Safety

The passenger is obliged to:

  • to comply with the instructions of the competent persons of the ship related to the peace, order, cleanliness and safety of the ship.
  • comply with the rules of the ship and the instructions of the master or the personnel of the ship.
  • not carry explosive, flammable, incendiary and generally dangerous substances.
  • do not throw rubbish in areas of the ship or at sea
  • place bulky luggage or objects in special areas so as not to obstruct the passage of passengers in the corridors of the ship.
  • do not place luggage or objects in the seats or passenger seats.

Ticket Modification / Ticket Return

The passenger is entitled to the modification of his ticket, if seats are available for the same or another trip up to forty eight (48) hours before the scheduled departure of the ship. If the value of the new ticket is lower, the passenger is not entitled to a refund of the difference. In case the value of the new ticket is higher then the passenger is obliged to pay the difference.

The return or modification of the ticket by the passenger is made to its issuer or to the port designated by the carrier, a shipping agent who is authorized in accordance with the applicable provisions to issue passenger tickets and vehicle transport receipts for the specific ship.

Fare Return Method

For the refund of a percentage or the whole fare, the payment of any compensation the passenger must deliver the body of the ticket or the snippet to the carrier or the ticket issuer or to the port designated by the carrier shipping agent.


For any complaint or complaint during the voyage, passengers may contact the designated officer of the ship and after the end of the trip to the ticket issuer or KERKYRA SEAWAYS agencies or the port authorities, in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Cases of non-compliance with passenger requirements

No claim may be made for a delay, interruption, cancellation or modification of a route due to reasons of public policy or security, in particular due to adverse weather conditions, the implementation of legislation or orders of the Competent Authority in general, and assistance in particular ships or persons in danger or for any approved modification of the scheduled itineraries related to the service of emergency transport needs or the service of the public interest.

Customer Service Line

For any clarification the passengers can contact our company per tel: +30 2810 529000 or via email

Missing Persons Service

In case the passenger loses or finds an item, please contact the Reception or the bar of the ship during the trip or after disembarkation our company via email at

Legal Framework, Competent Courts

According to article 3 of Law 2251/1994 as amended and in force, articles 3 to 4 of the above law do not apply to contracts for passenger transport services, with the exception of article 3d paragraph 2 and articles 4c and 4f.

The maritime transport contract is governed by Greek law. Any dispute arising from this contract or on the occasion of this contract is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Igoumenitsa.

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Le système de réservation de Greekferries

Le système de réservation de Greekferries

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Le meilleur prix pour un billet de ferry

Le meilleur prix pour un billet de ferry

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Des Paiements Sécurisés

Des Paiements Sécurisés

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Le service de discussion en ligne

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VOTRE expert personnel <br> en réservation de ferry

VOTRE expert personnel
en réservation de ferry

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