Mijn Reservering
Lees wat onze klanten van ons vinden!
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1352 reviews
Elk van onze klanten krijgt een persoonlijke ferryboekingsagent toegewezen die hun taal spreekt en binnen 3 werkuren antwoordt. Uw agent staat voor, tijdens en na uw reis voor u klaar.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Verzamel 'mijlen' bij elke ferry overtocht die u maakt, ongeacht de veermaatschappij waarmee u reist!
Verzilver mijlen en profiteer van kortingen en GRATIS tickets!
Het is aan te raden om volledig op de hoogte te zijn van de algemene voorwaarden van de veerbootmaatschappij waarmee je reist. Hieronder vindt u de officiële voorwaarden die van toepassing zijn op uw boeking en reis met ANES Ferries. Als u meer uitleg nodig heeft, aarzel dan niet om contact op te nemen met uw persoonlijke Ferry Boeking Expert om u verder te adviseren.
Tickets must be issued within a specific time period following their booking, of which passengers are advised by their travel agent. If tickets are not issued within this period the booking is automatically cancelled. The company reserves the right to change the time periods of option dates.
HIGH SEASON: 1st of June – 8th of September
LOW SEASON: 9th of September – 31st of May
Open date tickets are valid for 1 year and such tickets are not accepted for boarding. It is necessary, the initial ticket to be replaced with a new ticket before boarding. If, until the date of travel, the fare has been increased, owners of such tickets must pay the difference. All tickets may be changed into Open Date Tickets up to one (1) hour prior the time of scheduled departure.
We inform you that our company supports the service of prepaid tickets (PTA). All prepaid tickets must have been printed before boarding. The issuance of tickets is possible through the company’s central offices, the central port agents as well as through the company’s ferry ticket booths on each departure port.
Fare Refund Policy:
NOTE: All tickets may be changed into Open Date Tickets up to one (1) hour prior the time of scheduled departure.
After departure: Tickets are not cancelled, nor change into Open Date Tickets and the date of travel may not be changed.
Tickets are cancelled by the company’s Central Offices, Central Agents and Central Port Agents and when the original tickets have been presented. Tickets cannot be cancelled over the phone.
After departure: Tickets are not cancelled, nor change into Open Date Tickets and the date of travel may not be changed.
In case of ticket loss, passengers must purchase a new ticket in order to travel. Then, they must inform the company about the loss in writing stating the date of travel, the itinerary, the number of the lost ticket, the number of the new ticket which is purchased and a photocopy of the latter. If resulted by the company’s archives that the lost ticket has not been used within one (1) month from the date of travel, the company will replace it with a ticket of the same route and class as the lost one without any additional fare charge. The statement of loss of the ticket shall be submitted by e-mail to info@greekferries.gr.
The tickets of a cancelled departure are not valid for embarkation and must be exchanged with valid tickets for the next scheduled departure, pending on availability.
In case of a departure being delayed or cancelled due to extreme weather conditions etc., passengers are kindly requested to contact the company’s port agencies in order to be informed about the new departure time.
After departure: Tickets are not cancelled, nor change into Open Date Tickets and the date of travel may not be changed.
We kindly request that the tickets of passengers and vehicles as well as the reduced fare tickets be issued correctly in order to avoid any discomfort. The Purser Officers carry out ticket controls upon boarding and during the voyage. Upon such controls, passengers are required to present their tickets as well as any documents which entitle them to a reduced fare ticket.
Under L.3730/2008 smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public areas of the ship. Passengers may only smoke in the designated areas on the open outer decks.
For any question, comment or observation, please call: (+30) 2810 5237613 or send an email: info@greekferries.gr.
Beschikbare havens zoeken aan de hand van vertrek- of aankomsthaven
Waarom boeken bij Greekferries Club?
Simpel. We zijn er voor u tijdens het boekingsproces en de reis.
De Greekferries online boekingssysteem
Selecteer uw ferry routes en reisdatums en wij begeleiden u vanaf dat punt. Vind alle dienstregelingen, beschikbaarheid en prijzen en boek uw ferrytickets in drie eenvoudige stappen!
De beste prijs voor ferrytickets
We berekenen alle kortingen waar u recht op heeft. U hoeft geen uitzoekwerk te doen!
Veilig betalen
Onze betaallink is volledig in overeenstemming met de PSD2 SCA / EMV 3-D Secure 2.0 richtlijnen en voorschriften.
De chatfunctie
Als u problemen ondervindt of gewoon een vraag hebt, gebruik dan de chatservice in onze online boekingssysteem en we zullen u graag helpen!
UW Eigen
Of u nu online boekt of onze hulp inroept, er wordt altijd een ervaren boekingsagent aan u toegewezen die vloeiend Nederlands spreekt.