Algemene voorwaarden

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Mijn Reservering

ANE Kalymnou

ANE Kalymnou - Algemene voorwaarden

Het is aan te raden om volledig op de hoogte te zijn van de algemene voorwaarden van de veerbootmaatschappij waarmee je reist. Hieronder vindt u de officiële voorwaarden die van toepassing zijn op uw boeking en reis met ANE Kalymnou. Als u meer uitleg nodig heeft, aarzel dan niet om contact op te nemen met uw persoonlijke Ferry Boeking Expert om u verder te adviseren.

A. Passenger's Ticket Terms:

  • This ticket is personal, nominal non-transferable and applies only to the class and the trip it has been issued for.
  • The fare does not include supplies.
  • Passengers should be at the embarkation area one (1) hour prior to departure. If you miss the departure it will not be refunded, while if you declare your intention not to sail before the ship sails, for any reason, you are entitled to a refund of half the fare.
  • Children up to 4 years travel free and do not qualify for a bed, whilst children from 4 - 10 years pay half fare and are entitled to a bed.
  • The full ticket is entitled to carry luggage up to 40 kilograms or 1 m3.
  • If you lose your ticket, it is not replaced or reimbursed.
  • Once a passenger has retained the custody of the luggage, the shipping company is not responsible for any damage or loss.
  • Valuables, money and valuables can be delivered to the Purser's office for safekeeping.
  • The shipping company is not responsible for any delay in sailing, deviation and not keeping the route, due to bad weather or commands from the MMM or Port Authorities or force majeure.
  • The transportation of explosives, incendiary and other dangerous materials is forbidden.
  • Passengers are responsible for compliance with the Port, Health and Customs rules.
  • Passengers must adhere to the captain and crew regarding the maintenance of order and security of the ship.
  • For any complaint during the trip passengers must contact the captain or first officer of the ship and after the trip, to the shipping company or the Port Authorities.
  • If for any reason the travel is canceled due to the ship, the passenger is refunded for the ticket without further obligation of the company to the passenger.
  • The company reserves the right, after the Ministry's approval, to replace the vessel for which the ticket was issued with another vessel.

B. Conditions proof transport vehicle:

  • The driver is obliged to load and unload the vehicle.
  • Vehicles must be in the waiting area one (1) hour before departure and in any case at the time specified by the applicable Port Regulations.
  • The driver is not entitled to a refund of the fare if he misses the ship, while if he declares his intention not to load the vehicle before the ship sails, he is entitled to a refund of half a fare.
  • In case of loss of vehicle tickets, they are not refundable.
  • Vehicle passengers have to exit before they are loaded onto the ship.
  • Passengers must bring with them items they may need during the trip. After sailing, entry to the vehicle area is forbidden.
  • The transporting of explosives, flammables, combustibles and other dangerous materials is forbidden.
  • The priority loading of vehicles is determined by the port regulations of every harbor authority in whose area the ship is loading.

Cancellation policy

  • 7 days prior to departure, tickets are cancelled without cancellation fees or converted to open date or changed to another date.
  • From 7 days to 4 hours before departure, a 50% cancellation fee applies. Alternatively, tickets can be converted to open date or changed to another travel date.
  • 4 hours before and up to departure, 50% cancellation fee
  • After departure, tickets cannot be cancelled nor converted to open date and no change of travel date is possible.

Open-Date tickets

  • Can be cancelled without fees only if issued as open-date tickets.
  • For tickets that have been converted to open-date, the cancellation policy of the original tickets applies.
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