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The monastery complex of Agios Panteleimonas, who is also the patron saint of the island, is the most important place of pilgrimage in the island and one of the most important in the Dodecanese. Founded on older building material, probably a temple of Poseidon, it was built in its present form in the 1470s-1480s. A large scale renovation took place in 1703 by the very active abbot Laurentios. In 1800 the monastery’s abbot Ieremias planted the legendary cypress which stands magnificent in the parvis among the planes and the chestnuts. In 1824 the cells of the northern side are said to have been renovated, while the paving of the characteristic “pebbled floor of Rhodes” dates from 1843.
The old church of Taxiarchis is inside the castle of Megalo Horio. It was built in the post-Byzantine period, probably in the place of an ancient temple vowed to Pythios Apollo and Athena Poliada.
The temple is surrounded by a parvis with two entrances, including - apart from the temple - a pebbled yard with the characteristic built-in benches, several store rooms, the bell-tower and rooms currently housing the temple’s offices, the Town Hall and the Public Library.
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