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a SimiOfferte tutto l'anno!
Symi is inhabited since prehistoric times. Homer reports that the island participated to the war against Troy with king Nireas.
As first inhabitants are reported Kares and later Dories. Symi always belonged to Rhodes with a small interruption during the 5th BC that belonged to Athens.
In history it followed the fate of Dodecanese islands. Roman possessed it and later it was part of the Byzantine Empire.
In 1309 the Knights of Saint John Tagma conquer the island and a period of bloom starts. Symi then developed in shipping, trade, sponge diving and arts creating a special culture.
In 1522 Turkish conquered it but its residents managed to ensure some tax and trade privileges. The island’s financial robustness continued as they could make their own ships and conquer Aegean Sea.
Participating in the Revolution of 1821 resulted the abolition of these privileges. In 1912 Italians conquer the island. It is the period that Symi starts to decline. In World War Two big part of Symi’s population immigrates seeking for better living conditions.
In March 1948, is signed in Symi the Protocol of Incorporation and surrender of all Dodecanese islands to Greece.
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