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The capital of Symi includes two settlements: Yialos and Horio or Ano Symi. The oldest settling core is Horio, which was developed away from the coast for defensive reasons. When pirate raids waned and the economic development of the island boosted population growth, Horio was extended towards the sea with a new settlement, Yialos.
Yialos was the settlement of mansions of ship owners and merchants of Symi, who were influenced by the spread of classicism in the Ottoman empire in the late 18th century. The growth of mercantile activity and the commercial and cultural relationships that were developed with the coasts of Asia Minor, especially Smyrna, contributed in the formation of a characteristic local model of “classicistic” settlement. Being the administrative and touristic center of the island, Yialos concentrates almost all amenities and banks in the island.
Horio or Ano Symi is the second settlement of the island’s capital. It was the initial settling core that developed around the castle for defensive reasons from pirate raids.Perched on the rock, Horio is linked to Yialos and the port by five hundred steps, the so-called “Kali Strata”. This used to be Symi’s commercial road but today is still impressive with its mansions and the spectacular view to the port.
The residents of Horio are forced to go up and down Kali Strata in order to get to the administrative and touristic center of the island, Yialos, where most of the amenities and banks are located.
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