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The Monastery-fortress of Mihail Roukouniotis is one of the many devoted to Archangel Michael during the early Christian years, due to influences from Asia Minor where Angelolatry was quite popular.
The monastery with the impressive umbrella-shaped cypress in its parvis consists of two very interesting temples as far as their architecture is concerned: the old one (lower) with significant murals of the 15th century and the more recent (upper) one with murals of some significance as well.On the 8th of November, the day Archangel Michael celebrates, there is a feast under the great cypress.
It is a single-naved basilica built in 1783 by architect Anastasis Karnavas from Rhodes. The decoration was carried out by the famous local iconographer, monk Neofytos and Kyriakos Karakostis. But the icons today are in a rather bad condition. There is also the icon of Archangel Michael dating from 1724 and the wood carven chancel screen.
The famous bell tower of Panormitis over the central gate has been built in the early 20th century in baroque style and is said to have been modeled after the bell tower of a Russian church. The three-tone bell has also been brought from Russia.
This temple is connected to the most important moments in the life of the island and to the resistance against the conquerors. A pebbled parvis with black and white pebbles and a marvelous bell tower contrasts with the snow white interior of the marble chancel screen and the columns.
In the entrance of the parvis, cultural events are held on occasion of the Festival of Symi.
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