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a RodiOfferte tutto l'anno!
This interesting church is located in the New City of Rhodes, north of the harbor.
It was built in 1925 by the Italians, following the architectural design of the old gothic Church of Saint John (which is located in the Old City of Rhodes) and was also dedicated to the patron of the Order (Saint John). It is the actual cathedral of Rhodes and attracts many visitors who come to admire its impressive architecture and its medieval style.
This Byzantine church (11th-12th centuries) is standing in the City of Rhodes, east of the Museum Square. The church is cross-shaped and has Gothic features that were added later, when the Knights completed complete it.
The interior of the church was completed by the Knights and is a superb example of gothic architecture, all made of stone, with apses, alcoves and long, narrow windows it.
The Monastery is situated at Tsambika, at a distance of 4 kilometers far from the town of Archangelos. The name “Tsambika” is owed to the homonymous family of the place, connected in some way with the Monastery.
According to the local tradition, Virgin Mary of this Monastery protects the childless women who dedicate to her small human figurines made of wax and they believe that she is also wonder-working. The floor of the church and the yard of the Monastery are nicely paved with pebbles, whereas the ceiling of the church is decorated with arches and hagiographies.
This fine church is located in the heart of the lovely village of Lindos, on its main square.
It is a cross-shaped 14th century church which has an octagonal dome, whitewashed walls and tiled roof.
Device of the Grand Master D’Aubusson can be seen on the western door of the church as well as an inscription bearing the dates 1489/90, dates of the additions made to the building.
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