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Navi Nisyros

Nisyros Traghetti Dodecaneso

Navi e traghetti per l’ isola di Nisyros nel DodecanesoInformazioni turistiche per itinerari di traghetti verso Nisyros. Isola di Nisyros del Dodecaneso.



Castle of the Knights

Archeologia di Nisyros - Dodecaneso - Isole Greche - Grecia

This is the castle of the Knights of Saint John, built in 1315 by the Knights Hospitallers, during the period in which they dominated the island. It is also known as castle of Spiliani, because the most important monastery of the island, Panagia Spiliani, is located inside the castle’s enceinte. The part of the castle that is maintained is in fairly good condition. Several scutcheons of officer knights of the 15th century are also visible. It is built at an altitude of 150 m in the west end of the Mandraki settlement.


Palaiokastro was the acropolis of ancient Nisyros and dates from the 4th century b.C. Of the large fort with the seven turrets that Palaiokastro once was, only a fraction remains. The walls of the enceinte, among the best preserved of the era, are classified as Cyclopean or Pelasgian.

The rock that was used for the great blocks of the wall is called basaltic andesite. It is one of the hardest and heaviest rocks in the world and is abundant in the southwest part of the island. Apart from the transportation of the gigantic blocks, the tremendous feat of boasting these blocks and their immaculate fitting (still preserved to this day) by the artisans of the time never ceases to intrigue archaeologists.

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