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a LerosOfferte tutto l'anno!
The War Museum has been constructed inside the military tunnel of Merikia, which has been renovated with caution and respect. The exhibits have been donated by the Greek army or locals and include photographs, maps, models, etc. At the end of the tunnel there is a projection of a short film about the Battle of Leros, while outside we find a Military Park with military vehicles, weapons, etc.
The museum includes a library, a museum of local press and a painting room, as well as a large, lovely garden around the tower, where important cultural events take place during August.
In the museum you can see various folklore exhibits from the island, historic photographs from the period of Turkish rule, rare maps, exhibits from the battle of Leros and documents from World War II.
It is housed in the church of Panagia in the Castle of Panagia, on the hill above Agia Marina and Platanos.
The church of Panagia tou Kastrou, famous for its icon, is on the west side of the Castle of Panagia (or Castle of Agia Marina). The temple also houses the ecclesiastical museum which is particularly interesting.
Here we find a library of manuscripts, Byzantine icons, ornaments, canonicals and other exhibits from various churches around the island. There are also some archeological findings, like vessels and small objects found on the seabed. Unfortunately, these are only a fraction of the treasures that had been seized and stolen during the Italian rule or destroyed by German bombings.
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