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Navi Leros

Leros Traghetti Dodecaneso

Navi e traghetti per l’ isola di Leros nel DodecanesoInformazioni turistiche per itinerari di traghetti verso Leros. Isola di Leros del Dodecaneso.


MITOLOGIA Mitologia di Leros - Dodecaneso - Isole Greche - Grecia

In ancient times, Leros was known as the island of Artemis. A temple dedicated to this goddess is thought possible to have existed at the today’s village of Partheni. According to mythology, Leros is associated with the town of Calydon in Aetolia. During the reign of Oeneus in Calydon, goddess Artemis sent a wild boar which laid waste to the fields and terrified the locals. At that time, Meleager, a mythical hero and son of Oeneus and Althaea, succeeded to the throne and then killed this animal.

Nevertheless, Artemis regarded the slaying of the boar as insulting and profane. This is why she took revenge on Meleager by planning his early death. However, the continuous grief of Meleager’s sisters over their brother raised the goddess’s sympathy. So Artemis took them to Leros and transformed them into birds, the well-known Meleagrides.

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