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A ciascuno dei nostri clienti viene assegnato un Agente Prenotazione Traghetti personale che parla la loro lingua e risponde entro 3 ore lavorative. Il vostro agente è a vostra disposizione prima, durante e dopo il vostro viaggio.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Raccogliete 'miglia' ogni volta che viaggiate in traghetto, indipendentemente dalla compagnia nautica con la quale viaggiate!
Riscattate le vostre miglia e ottenete sconti e biglietti GRATUITI!
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a KosOfferte tutto l'anno!
Kos is inhabitted continuously by the Prohistoric years and her residents from the early ages was turned in the sailing and trade. Here it was given birth at 460 B.C Hippocrates, father of medical, acquaintance in the whole world for the first medical faculty that was founded in the history. Afterwards his death 357 B.C The people of Kos founded the eminent Asklipio to honour the god Asklipios, that functioned as hospital and accepted thousands persons.
The harbour of island placed in a strategic point between the East and the West lived a big period of acne up to the 6th century where it was also destroyed by big earthquake. Kos was occupied by the Great Alexander in 366 B.C and it knew new acne at the Byzantine period which followed the sovereignty of Knights of Saint Ioannis of Rhodes. That period was built the mighty fortress in the entry of the harbour.Later he fate was identical with that of the neighbouring islands. In 1933 were destroyed by a big earthquake and rebuided by the Italian conquerors.
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