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A ciascuno dei nostri clienti viene assegnato un Agente Prenotazione Traghetti personale che parla la loro lingua e risponde entro 3 ore lavorative. Il vostro agente è a vostra disposizione prima, durante e dopo il vostro viaggio.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Raccogliete 'miglia' ogni volta che viaggiate in traghetto, indipendentemente dalla compagnia nautica con la quale viaggiate!
Riscattate le vostre miglia e ottenete sconti e biglietti GRATUITI!
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a KosOfferte tutto l'anno!
In the devastated Old Pyli that is found in elevation in southly-eastern of the village, in exceptional natural environment exist three churches, Saint Antonios, the Seneschals and Virgin Mary (Ypapanti), that constituted the " Abbey of Kastrianon" and it had been founded by Saint Christodoulos. From this three churches, Ypapanti presents the bigger interest while they are maintained remains of hagiographies of 14th century, carved in wood chancel screen and ancient kiones that was obviously transported from the holy temple of Dimitra.
In Mastichari exist relic of Christian type of Royal the 5th century with exceptionally saved mosaics that cover surface roughly 400 m.
In Antimacheia in t o Medieval Castle are maintained two post byzantine churches.
In Asfendioy exists the church of Bodiless Seneschals of 11th century with elaborate chancel screen as well as Christian of Royal Saint Pavlos outside of the village. In the top of Right Hill - said was "Oromedon" in the antiquity - exists the small church of Christ with splendid view.
In Lagoydi particularly graphic is the church of Saint Ioannis of Theologian built between rocks.
In Kardamaina she exists Christian Royal the Saint Deity. Finally enough richly in appreciable churches it is the region of Mule with the ruins]of Royal Saint Stefanos with mosaic floorings and kiones that are dated by the 6th century. We still meet churches, as Virgin Mary Palatiani in the Palaces, Virgin Mary Ziniotissa, Saint of Mamas, Saint Theologos and Saint Ioannis, all with exceptional view in the around regions and the sea.
Perchè prenotare con Greekferries Club
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Sia che completate la vostra prenotazione online sia che richiedete la nostra assistenza, sarete affiancato da un agente esperto che parla fluentemente la vostra lingua.