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a KasoOfferte tutto l'anno!
As all Dodecanese islands, Kasos has an important historic route to show. According to archaeological findings in Ellinokamara cave, Kasos is inhabited since prehistoric times.
Kares are reported as first settlers of the island.
The island had evolved to naval and trade field since ancient times.
It participated to the war against Troy, while during classic times it belonged to the Athenaeum Partnership.
Kasos followed the route of Dodecanese islands. It met a lot of conquerors and catastrophes, Roman, Byzantine and Venetian dominated the island from time to time.
The residents of Kasos took part in the Revolution of 1821 and as the naval force of that time, offered their fleet to the war. The worst page in the island’s history was written then. In 7th of June 1824, Turkish burnt Kasos and eliminated the whole island by killing its population.
Only few managed to escape from this tremendous Holocaust. Those people and some emigrants were that built the island once again. Every year in the anniversary of Holocaust, are organized events in remembrance of it. In 1912 Kasos, is under the Italian possession.
Incorporation of Kasos with Greece was in 1948, along with the rest of Dodecanese islands.
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