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Kasian people are distinguished for their deep religious feeling. This is shown by the fact that, not only do they participate at adorable events, but there are also a lot of churches and monasteries that anyone can meet anywhere in the island.
Among them big churches at big villages are distinguished. They were built with specifications of glory, at the second half of 19th century, when the Kasian shipping was dominating at Aegean Sea and was one of the most important in Mediterranean.
Saint Spiridonas at Fri is the patron Saint of the island. The four semicylindrical domes that house it, along with its beautiful hagiography at the inside are unique characteristics of the church.
“Panagia tou Emporeiou” is built at the ruins of paleochristian church, from which the pillars and the baptistery are saved.
In Agia Marina there’s the homonymous church (Saint Marina), that celebrates on 17th July. The feast of Saint Marina is one of the most important religious and social events of the summer.
Protector of Arvanitoxori is Saint Dimitrios. Characteristic of the church is the very tall and with unique aesthetics, belfry.
The church of assumption at Pera Panagia is adorned by a masterpiece, a woodcut temple, while its feast, on 15th August is a point of report for all the inhabitants of the island.
Unique are also the six churches at Panagia village. According to the legend the churches were built for conjuring six fairies that were present once at the area, and were dedicated to six different Saints.
Among the churches and the monasteries of the island Saint Giorgis at Hadies is distinguished, not so much for its aesthetics, but for the deep devotion Kasians have for the Saint. They have Saint Giorgis as their protector, as there are countless reports for his admirable interventions, for treatments to ill people or for rescuing people in danger.
The church of “Panagia tis Potamitissas” is also special. It’s located next to the riverbed of “Skilas”, as it’s a cave modified into a church. According to the tradition, this was a desire of Virgin Mary, who “told” to the shepherd who found her picture at that particular area, not to build the entrance of the church till above, for unspecified up to now reason.
On Kasos island there are 102 churches and monasteries, some of which have magnificent view of the sea, testifying the need of seamen and their relatives for appealing of Divine Help.The dawn at Saint Kiriaki is a scene of rare beauty, while in front of Saint Mamas unfolds the vastness of Libean Sea. Every church a sign of devotion and return, from people with grateful hearts.
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