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a KarpathosOfferte tutto l'anno!
Karpathos due to its important geographic location, was the bone of contention between conquerors since ancient times. Like a natural bridge between three continents, of Europe, Asia and Africa, it had an important role in the exchange of nations from East to West and vise versa. Karpathos is inhabited since neolithic times and has an important historic route to show.
It was known from the time of Homer. It participated to the war of Troy. In the hymn to Apollo, Homer calls Karpathos “Inamoessa” that means wind swept.
Karpathos was later inhabited by Minoans, who came to the island from Crete.
Dorians followed in the 5th BC. Four towns were established then in the island. Posidio or Potideo, Arkesia, Vrikounta and Nysiros.
In classic times the island becomes part of the Athenaeum Coalition and flourishes financially and spiritually.
During the times of Roman dominance, Karpathos’ port is used as a refuge for the Roman fleet.
In Byzantine times, it met many pirate invasions and suffered a lot of catastrophes. In 1206 Venetians conquer the island and then the Knights of Saint John’s Tagma. In 1538 Turkish dominate Karpathos as and all Dodecanese and keep them for almost four centuries.
In 1821 Karpathos took part in the Greek Revolution. But followed the fate of the rest Dodecanese islands and stayed under the Turkish possession until 1912. Italians take them over then.
Karpathos was adjusted to Greece in 1948.
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