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A ciascuno dei nostri clienti viene assegnato un Agente Prenotazione Traghetti personale che parla la loro lingua e risponde entro 3 ore lavorative. Il vostro agente è a vostra disposizione prima, durante e dopo il vostro viaggio.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Raccogliete 'miglia' ogni volta che viaggiate in traghetto, indipendentemente dalla compagnia nautica con la quale viaggiate!
Riscattate le vostre miglia e ottenete sconti e biglietti GRATUITI!
Si consiglia vivamente di conoscere a fondo i termini e le condizioni della compagnia di traghetti con cui si viaggia. Di seguito troverete i termini ufficiali che regolano la prenotazione e il viaggio con Makri Travel. Se avete bisogno di ulteriori chiarimenti, non esitare a contattare il vostro esperto personale di prenotazione traghetti per ricevere assistenza.
Tickets belong to the individual and cannot be transferred to anyone else.
No reservation changes can be made, no tickets can be canceled and no refunds will be made after the scheduled departure time.
The passenger must present the credit card used for the purchase to the authorities at check-in (at the port when obtaining the boarding pass).
The passenger agrees to comply with the on-board regulations and captain's instructions.
The passenger must be present at the port at least 1 hour before the ship's departure time. Passengers with vehicles must be at the port at least 90 minutes in advance. You must come to Makri Check-in offices. Makri ends check-in procedures 20 minutes before the ship's departure.
The seller reserves the right to make any changes in the itinerary.
Any disputes regarding transportation are resolved in Fethiye Courts in accordance with the current tariff conditions and Turkish Laws and Regulations.
Voyages may be stopped, changed or extended due to bad weather, sea conditions or problems beyond the seller's control. The seller is not responsible for any costs or inconveniences, including transportation, accommodation and food expenses, that may arise from these and similar delays and cancellations that are beyond the seller's control.
Women whose pregnancy is over six months are not allowed to travel on our ships for their own safety.
The seller does not accept liability for any injury or death, damage or loss that may occur to vehicles, luggage or personal belongings, unless it is proven by the judicial courts to be caused by the seller's fault and negligence. Injury, death, loss or damage; The seller does not accept liability if it occurs due to reasons such as terrorism, riot, civil war, natural disaster, bad sea and weather conditions or malicious acts of third parties.
The carrier cannot be held responsible for passenger belongings lost on ships.
The ticket fee is only for transportation between the departure port and the arrival port. Tickets can only be used for the itinerary specified on them. The itineraries on the tickets cannot be changed at all. It does not cover any other services offered unless additional fees have been charged by the seller.
If the fee is paid in a currency other than the announced currency, the evaluation will be made based on the Central Bank Foreign Exchange Buying Rate at the time the electronic ticket was purchased.
There is no guarantee of a specific seat number on the ship.
Greece does not require a visa from Green and Gray Passport holders.
Normal passport holders must have a valid Schengen Visa for the duration of the trip.
In your passport Turkish Citizens with TRNC entry stamp cannot travel to Greece with these passports.
It is dangerous and prohibited for passengers to board or disembark the ship without the ramp being fully opened during boarding and disembarkation, without the ship personnel giving boarding or disembarking approval and without taking the necessary safety precautions.
If the passenger acts within the ship in a way that endangers the ship or any person or property, or prevents the ship's personnel from performing their duties, or does not comply with the instructions of the ship's personnel, or causes reasonable objections from other passengers, the seller shall be liable for such behavior, including restraining the passenger. may take the measures it deems necessary to prevent its continuation.
Passengers should not leave their seats during take-off and docking maneuvers. Passengers must comply with the warnings announced through announcements during the cruise. The seller cannot be held responsible for any injuries or material damages that may result from failure to comply with these rules.
The seller will be responsible only if the passenger or luggage is damaged due to his own fault. If the passenger is at fault, the seller's liability may be reduced or eliminated subject to the provisions of the legislation.
The seller will not be responsible for any damage to fragile and perishable items, money, jewellery, precious metals, silverware, bills or other commercial valuable papers, passports and other identities or copies in the baggage.
In the transportation of a passenger whose age, mental or physical condition creates danger or risk for himself, the seller will not be responsible for any illness, injury or disability, including death, of this passenger due to the above-mentioned conditions or as a result of the aggravation of these conditions.
To facilitate your check-in process at the ports, please do not forget to print your online ticket.
Passengers with one-way tickets who are not allowed to enter Greece must purchase tickets for their mandatory return journey.
The passenger undertakes and accepts that there is no TRNC stamp in his passport and that he will personally pay the fine imposed by Greece if he attempts to travel even though he does, and that he has been informed about this issue. If administrative sanctions are imposed by any state authority against the seller, the passenger agrees and undertakes to pay a penalty of at least 5,000 (five thousand) Euros, in addition to the material and moral damage suffered by the seller.
The passenger, in his passport, visa, residence permit or other travel documents, prevents him from entering Greece; He undertakes and accepts that there is no validity period, scope, date, number of entries, duration of stay or any other similar element, and that in case of any such issue, he will personally pay the fine imposed by Greece, and that he has been informed about this issue publicly.
For round-trip tickets falling in different seasons, the season price of the departure date is applied.
Sales person; For security reasons or using its discretion, it may refuse to carry the passenger and/or the passenger's Baggage in the following and similar cases:
The ticket price will not be refunded by the seller and no compensation will be paid to passengers who are refused transportation.
It is prohibited to carry firearms and ammunition used for purposes other than hunting and sports as baggage. Firearms and ammunition for hunting and sporting purposes may be accepted as checked baggage to the extent they comply with carrier rules. Firearms must be safely off, without ammunition and properly packaged.
Seller may refuse to carry any object as baggage because of its size, shape, weight and nature.
The seller may refuse to carry the luggage unless it is placed in bags, suitcases or other suitable containers to ensure safe transportation with normal care.
Unless otherwise agreed, the passenger is not obliged to pay any fee other than the transportation fee for the baggage that the person can carry manually to the ship at once, in accordance with the contract of carriage. The passenger may only keep one suitcase or handbag with him/her on the ship during the trip. Baggage other than this will be recorded by the relevant ship personnel and kept in a safe place. The passenger cannot keep fragile and perishable items, money, jewellery, precious metals, silverware, bills or other commercial valuable papers, passports and other identity documents or copies in their checked baggage. The carrier cannot be held responsible for any damage that may arise from keeping the items listed in this article in the Baggage. Cannot claim baggage losses from the Carrier. In accordance with international rules; TILOS reserves the right to "Refuse Carriage" for items that are not accepted as baggage. The customer's compensation provisions regarding the carrier's rejection are invalid.
At the arrival port, passengers can receive their luggage after all of their luggage has been unloaded from the ship to the dock.
Prohibited substances such as drugs are never transported. If it is detected to have been carried, the responsibility rests entirely with the carrier.
Dog with valid vaccination and health certificate, entry permits and other documents required by Greece (except for dangerous dogs such as American pitbull terrier, American staffordshire terrier, bull terrier, staffordshire bull terrier, Japanese tosa, dogo argentino, doberman, rottweiler ) and cats can be accepted for transportation with prior agreement with the seller.
Acceptance of animal transportation depends on the passenger assuming all responsibility for this animal. The seller will not be responsible for the death, illness, delay or loss or injury of this animal due to the animal not being allowed to enter or pass through Greece, or for any material or moral expenses and damages that may occur for these reasons.
Prohibited substances such as drugs are never transported. If it is detected to have been carried, the responsibility rests entirely with the carrier.
The passenger is obliged to comply with all instructions of the captain regarding the order on the ship. If the Passenger acts within the ship in a way that endangers the ship or any person or property, or prevents the ship's personnel from performing their duties, or fails to comply with the instructions of the ship's personnel, or causes reasonable objections from other Passengers; TILOS and the Ship Personnel may take any measures they deem necessary to prevent the continuation of such behavior, including restraining the Passenger. For whatever reason, the ship captain, in accordance with international rules; It has the right to "Refuse to Carry" the Passenger, Vehicle and Cargo. The Passenger may not be accepted onto the ship depending on the decision taken by the Ship Personnel,
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Il Motore di Prenotazione Greekferries
Inserite le vostre tratte e date di viaggio, e da qui vi guidiamo noi. Trovate tutti i programmi, disponibilità e prezzi, e prenotate i vostri biglietti di traghetto in tre semplice passi!
Il Migliore Prezzo di Biglietti per Traghetti
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I Pagamenti Sicuri
Il nostro gateway di pagamento è pienamente conforme alle direttive e alle linee guida PSD2 SCA / EMV 3-D Secure 2.0.
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Il VOSTRO Esperto di Prenotazioni
Sia che completate la vostra prenotazione online sia che richiedete la nostra assistenza, sarete affiancato da un agente esperto che parla fluentemente la vostra lingua.