La mia prenotazione
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1351 reviews
A ciascuno dei nostri clienti viene assegnato un Agente Prenotazione Traghetti personale che parla la loro lingua e risponde entro 3 ore lavorative. Il vostro agente è a vostra disposizione prima, durante e dopo il vostro viaggio.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Raccogliete 'miglia' ogni volta che viaggiate in traghetto, indipendentemente dalla compagnia nautica con la quale viaggiate!
Riscattate le vostre miglia e ottenete sconti e biglietti GRATUITI!
Si consiglia vivamente di conoscere a fondo i termini e le condizioni della compagnia di traghetti con cui si viaggia. Di seguito troverete i termini ufficiali che regolano la prenotazione e il viaggio con ALKO Ferries. Se avete bisogno di ulteriori chiarimenti, non esitare a contattare il vostro esperto personale di prenotazione traghetti per ricevere assistenza.
Tickets must be issued within a specific time period following their booking, of which passengers are advised by their travel agent. If tickets are not issued within this period, the booking is automatically cancelled. The Company reserves the right to change the time periods of option dates.
This option is:
HIGH SEASON: June 15 – September 15
LOW SEASON: September 16 – June 14
Open- date tickets are valid for one (1) year from the initial travel date or from the date of the ticket issue in the event that no travel date is mentioned and are not accepted for boarding. It is necessary that the initial ticket be replaced with a new ticket before boarding. If, until the date of travel, the fare has been increased, owners of such tickets must pay the difference.
All tickets may be changed into Open Date Tickets up to one (1) hour prior the time of scheduled departure.
We would like to inform you that our company supports the service of prepaid tickets (PTA). All prepaid tickets must have been printed before boarding. Prepaid tickets must be printed through the company’s central offices, the central port agents or the company’s ferry ticket booths on each departure port before boarding the ship.
From the ticket issuance:
NOTE: All tickets may be changed into Open-Date Tickets up to one (1) hour before the time of scheduled departure.
After departure: tickets cannot be cancelled or changed into Open-Date Tickets and the date of travel may not be changed.
Tickets are cancelled by the company’s Central Offices and Central Agents and cannot be cancelled over the phone. Interested parties must hand over the tickets to the aforementioned agencies or offices.
All changes, modifications or cancellations of tickets are made only in accordance with the rules of cancellation policy and without any additional charge at the central offices of the company, as well as at the central port agencies.
In case of ticket loss, passengers must purchase a new ticket in order to travel. Then, they must inform the company about the loss in writing stating all the details of the lost ticket (date of travel, itinerary, number of the lost ticket), the number of the newly purchased ticket and a photocopy of it.
If, according to the company’s records, the lost ticket has not been used within one (1) month from the date of travel, the company shall replace it with a ticket for the same route and class as the lost one. A statement of loss of the ticket shall be submitted to the company’s offices by fax.
The tickets of a cancelled departure are not valid for embarkation and must be exchanged with valid tickets for the next scheduled departure, pending on availability. In case of a departure being delayed or cancelled, passengers are kindly requested to contact the company’s port offices in order to be informed about the new departure time.
After departure: tickets cannot be cancelled or changed into Open-Date Tickets and the date of travel cannot be changed.
The Officers of the ship carry out ticket controls upon boarding and during the voyage. Upon such controls, passengers are required to present their tickets, as well as any documents that entitle them to a reduced fare ticket.
Pursuant to L.3730/2008 smoking is prohibited in all indoor common areas of the ship. Passengers may only smoke in the designated areas on the open decks.
For any queries, comments or remarks, passengers may contact the company via e-mail at
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Perchè prenotare con Greekferries Club
Semplice. Siamo qui per voi in ogni passo del vostro viaggio.
Il Motore di Prenotazione Greekferries
Inserite le vostre tratte e date di viaggio, e da qui vi guidiamo noi. Trovate tutti i programmi, disponibilità e prezzi, e prenotate i vostri biglietti di traghetto in tre semplice passi!
Il Migliore Prezzo di Biglietti per Traghetti
Inseriamo tutti gli sconti ai quali ha diritto. Non c`è bisogno di fare la ricerca!
I Pagamenti Sicuri
Il nostro gateway di pagamento è pienamente conforme alle direttive e alle linee guida PSD2 SCA / EMV 3-D Secure 2.0.
Il Servizio Chat
Se riscontrate difficoltà o avete semplicemente una domanda, utilizzate il servizio di chat nel nostro motore di prenotazione e saremo felici di aiutarvi!
Il VOSTRO Esperto di Prenotazioni
Sia che completate la vostra prenotazione online sia che richiedete la nostra assistenza, sarete affiancato da un agente esperto che parla fluentemente la vostra lingua.