Η Κράτησή Μου
Δείτε τι λένε οι πελάτες μας για εμάς!
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1352 reviews
Κάθε πελάτης μας έχει τον προσωπικό του Ferry Booking Agent που μιλάει τη γλώσσα του και απαντά εντός 3 εργάσιμων ωρών. Ο Ferry Booking Agent σου είναι στη διάθεσή σου για ότι χρειαστείς καθόλη τη διάρκεια του ταξιδιού σου.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Κέρδισε "Μίλια" για κάθε ταξίδι σου με το πλοίο, ανεξάρτητα με ποια ναυτιλιακή εταιρεία ταξιδέψεις!
Εξαργύρωσε τα μίλια σου και κέρδισε εκπτώσεις και ΔΩΡΕΑΝ εισιτήρια!
Συνιστούμε να διαβάσεις προσεκτικά την ενότητα Όροι & Προϋποθέσεις της ναυτιλιακής εταιρείας πριν κάνεις κράτηση. Παρακάτω θα βρείς τους επίσημους όρους που διέπουν την κράτηση και το ταξίδι σου με την SAOS Ferries.Αν χρειάζεσαι περαιτέρω διευκρινίσεις, μην διστάσεις να επικοινωνήσεις με τον προσωπικό σου Ferry Booking Expert.
a) The ticket is personal, registered, non-transferable and valid only for the route, date and place for which it was issued.
b) According to the Community Directive 98/41 / EC and for safety reasons, the nominal registration of the passengers on each route is mandatory. For the purposes of registration, the tickets are issued by NAME and must state:
c) When issuing (at an agency or via the internet) the ticket, the passenger must bring his / her ID, state a contact telephone number (preferably mobile) and e-mail address so that he / she can be notified in case of delay, cancellation or cancellation of the ship’s service. In addition to the above, the people who need SPECIAL CARE must be declared to the issuing agency or the central agencies. In case the passenger does not wish to disclose contact information, it is registered in writing on the ticket.
d) The issuance of a ticket on board the ship is prohibited and therefore to avoid unnecessary inconvenience the passenger must issue a ticket in a timely manner.
e) The fare does not include catering.
f) Tickets must be issued within the deadline set by the date of booking, for which passengers are informed by their Travel Agent. Otherwise the reservation is automatically canceled.
g) Children up to five (5) years old: it is mandatory to issue a ticket with zero fare.
a) The passenger must arrive on the ship half an hour before the scheduled departure time and bring his vehicle to the loading area one (1) hour before departure. If for any reason he does not catch the departure he is not entitled to a refund.
b) The driver is obliged to load and unload his vehicle.
c) The passengers of the vehicles are obliged to disembark from them before they are loaded on the ship.
d) Drivers and passengers must bring with them items that may be needed during the trip. After departure, entry into the vehicle area is prohibited.
There is equipment and accessible areas for the best service of passengers with special needs.
a) Passengers are not allowed to carry weapons, cartridges, explosives, flammable, incendiary and generally dangerous substances.
b) For safety reasons, all passengers and objects they carry on board are likely to be inspected. Entry to the ship will be prohibited for persons who refuse to comply and will be reported to the Port Authorities.
c) Passengers must present to the authorized personnel of the ship, their ticket, passport or police ID or other valid travel documents. The company reserves the right not to allow boarding if the passenger does not have the required travel documents and can not prove, beyond any doubt, his identity. After boarding, disembarkation is not allowed without the permission of the responsible Officers of the ship.
Ship Officers carry out ticket checks during boarding and during the voyage. During the check, passengers are required to show their tickets and discount documents once a discount ticket has been issued.
a) The passenger is entitled to carry hand luggage weighing up to 50 kg, without paying a special fare. Persons with reduced mobility are entitled, without payment of a special fare, to carry in addition to hand luggage, any equipment or aid required for their autonomous movement, regardless of weight.
b) During the trip, luggage can remain inside the vehicles. When the passenger travels without a vehicle, then the luggage must be placed in special places of the ship, according to the instructions of the crew.
c) Valuables, money and valuables may be handed over to the Officers of the ship for safekeeping. The company does not bear any responsibility in case of loss of such items that were kept in luggage and were not delivered to its Officers.
Αναζήτηση διαθέσιμων λιμανιών με βάση το λιμάνι αναχώρησης ή άφιξης
Κλείσε τα εισιτήριά σου με την Greekferries Club
Απλά. Εϊμαστε δίπλα σου σε κάθε βήμα.
Η Μηχανή Κρατήσεων της Greekferries Club
Δήλωσε δρομολόγια και ημέρες που θες να ταξιδέψεις και άστο πάνω μας. Δες αναχωρήσεις, διαθεσιμότητα και τιμές και κλείσε τα εισιτήριά σου για το πλοίο σε τρία μόλις βήματα!
Οι Καλύτερες Τιμές Εισιτηρίων
Η μηχανή κρατήσεων υπολογίζει αυτόματα όλες τις εκπτώσεις που δικαιούσαι. Δεν χρειάζεται να κάνεις έρευνα!
Οι Ασφαλείς Πληρωμές
Το σύστημα ηλεκτρονικών πληρωμών μας είναι πλήρως εναρμονισμένο με τις οδηγίες και τις κατευθυντήριες γραμμές PSD2 SCA / EMV 3-D Secure 2.0.
Η Yπηρεία Chat
Αν αντιμετωπίσεις οποιαδήποτε δυσκολία ή απλά έχεις μία ερώτηση, χρησιμοποίησε την υπηρεσία chat στην μηχανή κρατήσεων και θα χαρούμε να βοηθήσουμε!
Ferry Booking Expert
Είτε ολοκληρώσεις την κράτησή σου online είτε ζητήσεις τη βοήθειά μας, θα σου ανατεθεί ένας έμπειρος πράκτορας που μιλάει άπταιστα τη γλώσσα σου.