Η Κράτησή Μου
Δείτε τι λένε οι πελάτες μας για εμάς!
4.8 stars
1352 reviews
Κάθε πελάτης μας έχει τον προσωπικό του Ferry Booking Agent που μιλάει τη γλώσσα του και απαντά εντός 3 εργάσιμων ωρών. Ο Ferry Booking Agent σου είναι στη διάθεσή σου για ότι χρειαστείς καθόλη τη διάρκεια του ταξιδιού σου.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Κέρδισε "Μίλια" για κάθε ταξίδι σου με το πλοίο, ανεξάρτητα με ποια ναυτιλιακή εταιρεία ταξιδέψεις!
Εξαργύρωσε τα μίλια σου και κέρδισε εκπτώσεις και ΔΩΡΕΑΝ εισιτήρια!
Συνιστούμε να διαβάσεις προσεκτικά την ενότητα Όροι & Προϋποθέσεις της ναυτιλιακής εταιρείας πριν κάνεις κράτηση. Παρακάτω θα βρείς τους επίσημους όρους που διέπουν την κράτηση και το ταξίδι σου με την Finikas Lines.Αν χρειάζεσαι περαιτέρω διευκρινίσεις, μην διστάσεις να επικοινωνήσεις με τον προσωπικό σου Ferry Booking Expert.
According to the S.O.L.A.S. regulation, the Greek and Albanian agreement and the European Union Communal Instruction 98/41, it is now mandatory, for reasons of safety, to state the following information when making your reservation: Surname, Name, Nationality, Date of birth, Place of birth (country), Type of document, Number of document, Expire date, Gender, Age category (Adult, Child, Infant), need for special care, Telephone number, e-mail address, Vehicle Plate number. Passengers requiring special care must notify at the Company’s main reservation offices.
Passengers’ contact information: We advise passengers, upon purchasing their tickets, to provide their telephone number (preferably their mobile phone number) or e-mail address so that they are informed in case of delay, cancellation or suspension of the itineraries. In case that passengers do not wish to provide any contact information, the Company does not assume any liability since the passengers will not be informed in case of delay, cancellation or suspension of the itineraries.
Reservations and bookings can be made through all Central agencies at the Port, and online in official Finikas Lines website. The ticket is issued in the passenger’s name and is strictly personal. It is not transferable and is valid only for the specific route it has been issued for. Any change must be reported to the central ticket office at the Port.
From the date of the ticket issue and up to 30 days before the scheduled departure, the fare of the ticket is fully refundable. - From 29 days up to 7 days before the scheduled departure: 75% refund. - From 6 days up to 24 hours before the scheduled departure: 50% refund. - In less than 24 hours of the scheduled departure the fare is not refunded. - Tickets can be refunded or converted only by the issuing agency or by the Company in case of online booking. - Tickets cannot be cancelled by telephone. - NON-SHOW tickets are not refundable.
In case of a lost ticket the passenger must immediately notify the issuing Travel Agent or the Port Agent or the Company. The travelling passenger can only pick up the reprinted ticket with valid identification at the port of departure.
Fares and timetables listed in this catalogue are based on conditions existing at the time of print. If any conditions should change after the time of print, the Company reserves the right to make changes to the timetable, the fares and the routes or to refrain from contractual obligations without prior notice. The Company however is not liable for any damages resulting thereof. The aforementioned conditions include any kind of unforeseeable circumstances like an increase in fuel prices or currency fluctuation. In the unlikely event that contractual obligations may not be fulfilled, the customer is entitled to a full refund of payments made. Schedules are subject to change without prior notice.
The fares of tickets purchased in other countries may differ due to fluctuations in the exchange rate.
The fares of tickets purchased in other countries may differ due to fluctuations in the exchange rate.
In compliance with the Council Regulation (EC) No 2252/2004, under aged passengers must have their own travel documents to embark. (PASSPORT) • Children under the age of 18 are not accepted on board without being accompanied by the two parents or an adult person. a) Children being accompanied only by one parent, a written authorization must be signed by the other parent. b) If the adult is not one of the two parents a written authorization must be signed by either parents or legal guardian. c) Appropriate forms are available at the central ticket office at the Port. d) If the parents are not in the Country of the departure port the signature of the authorization must be authenticated from the state of the children and to been translated from the embassy of the country of the port of departure. e) If the parents are not at the port but in the Country of the port of departure the signature of the authorization can be authenticated from a Police Department of the Country of the port of departure. f) If the parents are at the port of departure the signature of the authorization can be authenticated from Passport Control Office. g) The written authorization has to be remitted to the Passport Control Office and the Master or the Purser of the vessel.
Passengers requiring special care must notify at the Company’s main reservation offices.
In the event of prohibition of departure due to bad weather conditions or due to official orders from port authorities, the company claims no responsibility for possible delay or cancelation of the trip. In that case, passengers can modify their tickets or get a refund of the full amount paid for the ticket. The shipping company reserves the to replace the ferry a ticket was issued for, with another ferry.
With your printed ticket, you can go directly to the international passenger terminal. It is not necessary to report to the central port agencies for check-in. All passengers are kindly required to proceed to the international passenger terminal at least 40 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. Passengers with vehicles are required to proceed to the international passenger terminal at least 1 hour prior to the scheduled departure time for custom control. All passengers are required to:
Αναζήτηση διαθέσιμων λιμανιών με βάση το λιμάνι αναχώρησης ή άφιξης
Κλείσε τα εισιτήριά σου με την Greekferries Club
Απλά. Εϊμαστε δίπλα σου σε κάθε βήμα.
Η Μηχανή Κρατήσεων της Greekferries Club
Δήλωσε δρομολόγια και ημέρες που θες να ταξιδέψεις και άστο πάνω μας. Δες αναχωρήσεις, διαθεσιμότητα και τιμές και κλείσε τα εισιτήριά σου για το πλοίο σε τρία μόλις βήματα!
Οι Καλύτερες Τιμές Εισιτηρίων
Η μηχανή κρατήσεων υπολογίζει αυτόματα όλες τις εκπτώσεις που δικαιούσαι. Δεν χρειάζεται να κάνεις έρευνα!
Οι Ασφαλείς Πληρωμές
Το σύστημα ηλεκτρονικών πληρωμών μας είναι πλήρως εναρμονισμένο με τις οδηγίες και τις κατευθυντήριες γραμμές PSD2 SCA / EMV 3-D Secure 2.0.
Η Yπηρεία Chat
Αν αντιμετωπίσεις οποιαδήποτε δυσκολία ή απλά έχεις μία ερώτηση, χρησιμοποίησε την υπηρεσία chat στην μηχανή κρατήσεων και θα χαρούμε να βοηθήσουμε!
Ferry Booking Expert
Είτε ολοκληρώσεις την κράτησή σου online είτε ζητήσεις τη βοήθειά μας, θα σου ανατεθεί ένας έμπειρος πράκτορας που μιλάει άπταιστα τη γλώσσα σου.