Términos y condiciones

Seleccionar viaje en ferry
Seleccionar viaje en ferry

Mi Reserva

Aegean Sea Lines

Aegean Sea Lines - Términos & Condiciones

Se recomienda encarecidamente estar completamente familiarizado con los términos y condiciones de la compañía de ferry con la que viaja. A continuación encontrará los términos oficiales que rigen su reserva y viaje con Aegean Sea Lines.Si necesita más aclaraciones, no dude en ponerse en contacto con su experto personal en reservas de ferries para obtener ayuda.

Infants 0 - 1 y.o.Issue Boarding Pass (Without seat)
Infants 1 - 5 y.o.They issue a free ticket in all seating categories. In case of two infants up to 5 years old in a cabin, they are entitled to one free bed per two.
Children from 5 y.o and one day to 10 y.o.50% on all accommodation classes (except Lux cabins).
Students in Greek Universities50% on all seating categories (except numbered economy seats with table and cabins). Valid for undergraduate students of TEI/ATEI, Public I.E.K., Open University (Not valid for military schools, officer and police schools and private schools). It is necessary to show the pass upon boarding.
International Universities Students25% on all seating categories (except numbered economy seats with table and cabins). Valid for undergraduate students holding an ISIC International Student Identity Card. Must be presented upon boarding.
European Youth Card20% on all seating categories (except economy seats with table and cabins). European Youth Card must be presented upon boarding along with your ID card or passport.
Large families (over 3 children)50% on Deck / Numbered Economy seats or 30% in First Class Lounge / Cabins (Except Lux). Requires presentation of a luxury card or family status certificate upon boarding. Children of multiples are entitled to the discount up to the age of 23 years by showing their ID card. (Greek citizens only).
Three children families30% in Deck/Numbered Economy Seats/First Class Lounge/First Class Cabins (except LUX cabins). Presentation of family status certificate is required upon boarding. Children of family with 3 children are entitled to the discount up to the age of 23 years by showing their ID card.( Greek citizens only).
People with a disability or reduced mobility with a disability rate of 80% or more50% on deck/numbered economy seats/first class lounge/first class cabins (except LUX). On presentation of the relevant decision of the relevant health committees of the disability certification centre (KEPA) or the health committees of the competent administrative authority or insurance institution until the expiry date.
People that accompany persons with disabilities of 80% or more50% for the people that accompany persons with disabilities in the place of the beneficiary's choice. If the beneficiary is a person with paraplegia, quadriplegia, blindness, intellectual disability, autism and down syndrome.
Passengers over 65 years old20% on Deck / Numbered Economy seats (without table) / First Class Lounge / First Class Cabins (except LUX). Requires presentation of ID card upon boarding.
NAT pensioners and their spouses (Greek citizens only)50% on all seating categories (except numbered economy seats with table and cabins)
Soldiers (Greek citizens only)30% on deck and numbered economy seats (without table). Required to show their military ID upon boarding.
Army officers20% on deck / Numbered Economy seats (without table) / first class lounge. The discount is valid for Police, Fire, Coast Guard, Permanent Officers of three arms. Presentation of service ID required on boarding.
Security forces (Greek citizens only)Free on deck
Permanent Residents Discount20% on all seats except LUX cabins to residents of the approach islands. Presentation of the Unique Islander Number certificate is required upon embarkation.
Deputy and permanent teachers of primary and secondary education serving on the islands where the ship "Anemos" is approaching (Greek citizens only). 20% on Deck/Numbered Economy seats without table/ first class lounge all year round except High Season. Special discounts of 50% for specific periods of the year at the end and start of school season / start and end of holiday season (will always be preceded by an announcement from the company). Presentation of their placement certificate and identity card is required.
WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE VEHICLES50%. Accompanied by the beneficiary and carrying special plates for disabled war disabled persons or a parking card for disabled persons (parking card "AMA")
Cars belonging to large families with over three children (Greek citizens only)30%. Valid for Greek citizens only
Cars belonging to three children families (Greek citizens only)20%. Valid for Greek citizens only
Round trip offer20% discount on return tickets for passengers and vehicles for round trip tickets. Offer conditions: In case of cancellation both legs must be cancelled, otherwise the tickets can be turned to open.
Members of AEGEAN SEA CLUBRewarding program that involves offering free tickets by completing specific points.
Small cars with length up to 3.70mDiscounted fare up to 20% on E.I.X. small length up to 3.70 meters. Maximum height 1.80 meters.
Vehicles over 4.40 meters longOffer of fare, on the West Cyclades line are issued at the same price as CAR 1.
Cars of substitutes and permanent teachers of primary and secondary education serving on the islands where the ship "Anemos" is approaching (Greek Citizens only).Special discounts of 50% on their motorbike for specific periods of the year at the end and beginning of the school term / beginning and end of the holiday season (always preceded by a relevant announcement of the company)
Yellow Rewards Program PartnerEarn and redeem yellows with purchases of ferry tickets at the Aegean Sea Lines physical store, as well as with online bookings at www.aegean-sealines.gr. Valid for transactions with Piraeus Bank cards participating in the Rewards Program.
Program €pistrofi. EurobankYou can earn and redeem Euros €pistrofi buying your tickets at Aegean Sea Lines headquarters or online at aegean-sealines.gr.
Unaccompanied vehicles (private passenger cars, small trucks, trailers, vans, etc.) are issued with a surcharge. The issuing agency should contact Aegean Sea Lines for the relevant approval and the special Aegean Sea Lines unaccompanied vehicle transport form which can be downloaded from the section Useful links > Aegean Sea Lines Forms. Upon arrival at the port the form should be handed over to the competent officer. In case of non-compliance, the vehicle will not be loaded and the ticket will be cancelled according to the company's cancellation policy.
Very small passenger cars (CARS)Length up to 3,70 meters. Height up to 1,80 meters
Passenger vehicles from 3.70 to 4.40 metres (CAR1)Length up to 4,40 meters. Height up to 1,80 meters
Passenger vehicles over 4.40 metres (CAR2)Length over 4,40 m, Height up to 2,20 m
Commercial vehicles, VAN, agricultural vehicles, pick up (TRC) | (price per meter)Length up to 5,50 meters. Height up to 2,50 meters
Trailer tanks (BGT/BGTR) | (price per meter)Length 2 to 3 meters. Height up to 1,80 meters.
Trailer (TRL1) | (price per meter)Length from 3,10 to 6 meters. Height up to 2,20 meters
Trailer (TRL2) | (price per meter)Length from 6,10 to 9 meters. Height up to 2,50 meters
Caravans, minibuses (VAR1) | (Price per meter)Length from 4 to 6 meters. Height up to 2,50 meters.
Caravans, buses (VAR2) | (Price per meter)Length from 6,10 to 9 meters. Height up to 3,60 meters. If the height exceeds 2.50 meters, the company must be informed.
Buses (BUS) | (Price per meter)Length from 7 to 13 meters. Height up to 3,60 meters.
Unaccompanied passenger cars up to 4.40 metres in length (UCAR1)Length up to 4,40 meters, Height up to 1,80 meters. They are issued with a surcharge.
Unaccompanied passenger cars over 4.40 metres in length (UCAR2)Length over 4,40 metres, Height up to 2,20 metres. They are issued with a surcharge.
Unaccompanied VANs, trailers, commercial (UTRL) | (price per meter)Length up to 7 meters. Height up to 2,50 meters. Issued with increased fare


  • Current legislation mandates a valid telephone number or e-mail address entered at time of booking for every passenger to be used for contact in the case of any changes to or cancellation of itineraries.
  • Deadlines for ticket issuance varies by demand of each itinerary. Current deadlines will be posted in the booking system for each booking.
  • Travellers should always check that the details on the tickets they receive from the issuer-agent are correct. Aegean Sea Lines is not responsible in case of errors in the issuance of tickets by its partner agencies.
  • Tickets issued on thermal paper cannot be web checked-in. Similarly, e-tickets are not printed on thermal paper.


HIGH PERIOD 14/4/2025-24/04/2025 & 5/6/2025-7/9/2025

  • 100% cancellation up to at least 7 days before the scheduled departure time or the tickets are converted to open date.
  • 50% cancellation up to at least 12 hours before the scheduled departure time or the tickets are converted to open date.
  • From 12 hours up to at least 4 hours before the scheduled departure time, you may convert the tickets into open tickets.
  • Tickets issued on the day of travel shall be cancelled up to half an hour after issue and necessarily at least three hours before the scheduled time of departure.
  • Unprinted or misprinted tickets must be cancelled on the spot by the agent.
  • After departure, tickets cannot be cancelled and cannot be converted into open tickets, and the date cannot be changed.


  • 100% cancellation up to at least 3 days before the scheduled departure time or the tickets are converted to open date.
  • 50% cancellation up to at least 3 hours before the scheduled departure time or the tickets are converted to open date.
  • Less than three hours and up to at least one hour before the scheduled departure time the tickets can be converted into open date tickets.
  • Tickets issued on the day of travel shall be cancelled up to half an hour after issue and necessarily at least two hours before the scheduled time of departure.
  • Unprinted or misprinted tickets must be cancelled on the spot by the agent.
  • After departure, tickets are not cancelled and cannot be converted into open tickets, and the date cannot be changed.


In case of loss of thermal tickets, Aegean Sea Lines must be informed prior to departure either by phone or e-mail, and the passenger must fill in a declaration of loss. If the passenger contacts an agency to report the loss, the agency must contact the company before departure. In any case, in order to board the ship, new tickets must be issued with Aegean Sea Lines and the fare must be paid. After 30 days from the trip and following a check in its records, AEGEAN SEA LINES will compensate the passenger by providing him/her with a ticket of equal value to that of the lost ticket(s). The above procedure does not apply if the company is informed after departure, in which case no liability is acknowledged.


  • During the high season a ticket may be opened at least four (4) hours before departure, and during the low season at least one (1) hour.
  • To convert your ticket(s) to open tickets you should contact us at tel: +30 2810 529000 or send us an e-mail: info@greekferries.gr
  • Tickets that have become open can be replaced within one year from the date of issue and only once. The new journey may be made after that date but not beyond 31/12 of the following year. For example, a ticket was issued on 1 June 2023 for a trip on 20 June 2023 but became open. It can be replaced no later than 31 May 2024 and the new trip can be made no later than 31 December 2024.
  • In the case of a thermal ticket that has been converted to an open ticket, in order to be replaced with a new ticket, the physical thermal stub must be presented to the agency that will process the replacement. Lost thermal tickets that have been converted to open tickets cannot be replaced.
  • When replacing an open ticket it is possible to change the route and passenger details.
  • When an open ticket is replaced with a ticket of a higher value, the difference should be paid. When an open ticket is replaced with a ticket of a lower value, the difference is not refundable.
  • Open passenger tickets can be replaced with passenger tickets and open vehicle tickets (e.g. IX/moto) with vehicle tickets (e.g. IX/moto).
  • When replacing open tickets, the amount will not be offset. Each ticket is replaced by another ticket in its place.
  • Tickets that have been opened one (1) time are cancelled 50% within one year from the date of issue. Open tickets that have had the new travel date confirmed are cancelled at the corresponding refund rate applicable on the day they were converted to open.
  • Tickets that have been purchased online through the official website of Aegean Sea Lines, in order to be cancelled or opened, a written notification of the company via e-mail or by contacting the respective central agent is required prior to departure and within the above deadlines.


Group tickets can not be turned to open or cancelled.


Discounts are not applied cumulatively. Each passenger or vehicle ticket benefits from one discount (the highest percentage).

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