Meine Reservierung
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1350 reviews
Jedem unserer Kunden wird ein persönlicher Fährbuchungs-Experte zugewiesen, der ihre Sprache spricht und innerhalb von 3 Arbeitsstunden antwortet. Ihr Agent steht Ihnen vor, während und nach Ihrer Reise jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Sammeln Sie Meilen bei jeder Fahrt mit der Fähre, unabhängig von der Fährgesellschaft, mit der Sie reisen!
Lösen Sie Ihre Meilen ein und erhalten Sie Rabatte und KOSTENLOSE Tickets!
Es ist empfohlen, dass Sie mit den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Fährgesellschaft, mit der Sie reisen, vollständig vertraut sind. Nachfolgend finden Sie die offiziellen Bedingungen, die für Ihre Buchung und Reise mit Triton Ferries gelten. Wenn Sie weitere Erläuterungen benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren persönlichen Fährbuchungsexperten.
Each ticket is personal, non-transferable and valid only for the specific trip, itinerary and class it has been issued for.
In addition, the issuing agent must be notified of passengers requiring SPECIAL CARE, and passengers are strongly advised to give a TELEPHONE NUMBER so they can be contacted in case of emergency.
E-tickets can be obtained via the Web Check-in platform (available on our website – from the time the booking was confirmed up to 30 minutes before boarding.
GROUP DISCOUNTS: can be provided following a written request and depending on availability.
Passengers eligible for a discount must declare it when making a reservation and all supporting documents must be presented both when making a reservation, and when boarding the vessel. Following ticket issuance, it is not possible to get any difference refunded.
Pets travel free of charge. Passengers traveling with a pet should hold updated health documents for their pet and are responsible for the pet’s care, safety and hygiene. Un-accompanied pets are not allowed onboard.
HIGH SEASON: 26/4/2024 – 12/5/2024, 1/6/2024 – 8/9/2024
LOW SEASON: All other dates except those mentioned in HIGH SEASON
The above also apply when a ticket is purchased online through the company website ( provided that the company is informed in writing by email. In order for the cancellation request to be valid, the passenger must provide all booking / ticket information and contact details.
When a ticket is lost, a new ticket must be purchased.
Passengers must:
Drivers must embark and disembark their vehicle. Vehicles’ passengers must exit the vehicle before embarkation. Vehicles’ priority order for embarkation is determined by the Port Regulations of each Port Authority, where embarkation takes place.
All passengers are required to present their ticket, identity card or any other official documents to the vessel’s authorized personnel. For discounted fares, necessary accompanying documents must also be presented prior to boarding and in case of a ticket control onboard. The carrier reserves the right to deny embarkation to any individual who does not possess valid travel documents or fails to prove beyond doubt his/her identity.
After boarding, passengers are not allowed to disembark without permission from the Authorised Crew Members (Purser’s Office). In case a passenger wishes to disembark, then he/she is obliged to inform the vessel’s Purser’s Office and upon leaving the ship take all of his/her luggage as well. For vehicles, kindly note that there is the possibility of being unable to remove them from the ship’s garage due to their pre-arranged parking positions.
Passengers who are younger than 15 years old are not allowed to travel without being accompanied by a parent or a guardian.
Unaccompanied minors aged from 15 to 18 years old can travel only if the following conditions are met:
Passengers and vehicles can embark without changing their tickets.
The tickets of a cancelled departure are not valid for embarkation and must be exchanged with a valid boarding card for the next scheduled departure, pending on availability.
In case of a departure being delayed or cancelled due to extreme weather conditions etc., passengers are kindly requested to contact the Port Authorities and the ticket agencies in order to be informed about the new departure time.
When booking tickets, passengers are obliged to provide their mobile phone number so that they can be reached in case of need (e.g. change of departure time, cancellation of trip due to bad weather conditions etc.). For non-Greek phone numbers, the 4-digit country code must also be provided.
Passengers who have lost or found an item on board, are kindly requested to contact the ship’s Reception immediately during their journey and most importantly before disembarkation. For any information you may require after disembarkation, please contact our Customer Service Dept. via email at
As per the National Law 3730 of the Greek Ministry of Health, as from July 1st 2009, smoking is strictly prohibited in all enclosed public areas, as well as the vessels’ cabins. Passengers may smoke in the designated areas on the open outer decks.
For any Customer Service inquiries, comments or suggestions, please send us an e-mail at
Suche nach verfügbaren Häfen nach Abfahrts- oder Ankunftshafen
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DasGreekferries Buchungssystem
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Die Sicheren Zahlungen
Unser Zahlungsgateway ist vollständig konform mit den PSD2 SCA / EMV 3-D Secure 2.0 Richtlinien und Vorgaben.
Der Chat Service
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IHR persönlicher
Ganz gleich, ob Sie Ihre Buchung online vornehmen oder unsere Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen, Sie werden mit einem erfahrenen Mitarbeiter zusammengebracht, der Ihre Sprache fließend spricht.