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Starlines - Geschäftsbedingungen

Es ist empfohlen, dass Sie mit den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Fährgesellschaft, mit der Sie reisen, vollständig vertraut sind. Nachfolgend finden Sie die offiziellen Bedingungen, die für Ihre Buchung und Reise mit Starlines gelten. Wenn Sie weitere Erläuterungen benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren persönlichen Fährbuchungsexperten.

We remind you that departing passengers and vehicles must have valid documents for expatriation.

In particular, the vehicles must be registered in the name of one of the people traveling, alternatively it is necessary to be in possession of a proxy from the owner. It is also mandatory to have valid insurance (for countries such as Albania, not covered by some insurances, it is possible to stipulate it on the spot upon arrival).

It is possible to purchase only for vehicles used for private use, in the case of commercial vehicles or vehicles carrying goods, please contact us to find out about the booking procedures.


With the purchase of the sea ticket, a transport contract is stipulated between the shipping company (carrier) and the passenger. This contract with constitutes a tourist package and is not subject to the relevant legislation. The person who undertakes the transport obligation is the carrier, as identified on the ticket.

The carrier undertakes to comply with the planned travel program, however, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, by way of example and not limited to, even minor damage, force majeure, personnel strike, ship stoppage for maritime credits, reserves the right to change schedules or replace a ship with another even without notice.

In the event of cancellation of a trip due to proven direct responsibility of the carrier, the same will, compatibly with availability, re-protect passengers and vehicles in possession of tickets on other Companies, or the full refund of the unused ticket, without further obligations from part of the same.


Boarding taxes are included in the cost of the ticket. The amount of boarding taxes may be subject to changes by the shipping companies without notice. Furthermore, in the event of significant increases in the cost of fuel, the payment of a fuel surcharge may also be required at the time of check-in.


Please check carefully, during the booking phase, the time and day of departure and the time and days of arrival. In the case of connections with other means of transport, it is advisable to always consider a large margin of time.

The time of departure and arrival as specified in point 1, they may be subject to changes even without notice.


Tickets booked online can be collected directly at the departure ports by presenting the confirmation print with the booking code that is obtained at the end of the booking procedure, after having made the payment. In the case of original shipping of tickets, ECO WORLD SA is not liable for any errors attributable to the person in charge of shipping.


On the day of departure, it is necessary to show up at the boarding offices of the shipping company booked at least two hours before the scheduled departure time for community routes, and three hours before for non-EU routes.


In the case of cancellations of booked tickets, the penalties provided by the individual shipping companies will be applied, as well as a fee of 25.00 euros. Any requests for cancellation or variation of purchased tickets must be sent exclusively in writing, before the date for which the ticket was booked, by e-mail ( and may be examined by our operators during the opening hours of our office.

Changes in purchased tickets can be made, subject to availability of seats, with the payment of a fee of € 25.00 in addition to the penalties and tariff additions provided by the issuing shipping company.

Failure to show up for boarding will result in the loss of the ticket without the right to any refund.

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IHR persönlicher <br>Fährbuchungs-Experte

IHR persönlicher

Ganz gleich, ob Sie Ihre Buchung online vornehmen oder unsere Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen, Sie werden mit einem erfahrenen Mitarbeiter zusammengebracht, der Ihre Sprache fließend spricht.