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Erturk Lines

Erturk Lines - Geschäftsbedingungen

Es ist empfohlen, dass Sie mit den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Fährgesellschaft, mit der Sie reisen, vollständig vertraut sind.Nachfolgend finden Sie die offiziellen Bedingungen, die für Ihre Buchung und Reise mit Erturk Lines gelten.Wenn Sie weitere Erläuterungen benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren persönlichen Fährbuchungsexperten.


  • This boarding card is personal and issued for the people whose names and the surnames are written on it and the vehicles which plate numbers and the model of the cars are written on it. The ticket is non-transferable and not allowed to resell to another person. This ticket is only valid for the ship and the voyage issued. If not use on time the ticket will be invalid and can not be used for another trip.
  • Passengers should be in the embarkation area one (1) hour before the departure. Passengers who are not on time for sailing are not entitled to a refund.
  • A holder of this boarding card accepts to be on the Passenger List of the date and the voyage which is issued on the boarding card.
  • A holder of this boarding card is responsible for his/her documents and visa that allows to entrance to the foreign country. The people who has no documents or who has any kind of problem on his/her documents or visa and will not allow to board and can not be carried as a "passenger".
  • The ship owning company is not responsible for any delay, deviation and not following the scheduled course due to any reason which is not caused by ERTURKLINES. Passengers are not entitled to any ticket cancellation or refund.
  • All rights of ERTURK LINES are reserved for a change of the date of the departure and the voyage.
  • All rights of ERTURK LINES are reserved for a cancellation or a change of the departure and the voyage due to force majeure. If the reason of the cancellation or the change is not declared by ERTURK LINES, passenger can get a refund of full fare ticket, ERTURK LINES rights are reserved for the time of refund.
  • Passengers without vehicle are allowed to carry a luggage or a bag without a price. Additional luggages are charged.
  • Passengers are responsible for personal belongings. ERTURK LINES is not responsible for any damage or loss of luggage that is under the personal care of passenger.
  • Passengers are not permitted to carry explosive, flammable, incendiary and generally dangerous substances.
  • Smoke or consumption of any kind of tabacco products are prohibited in all areas of the ship.
  • Passengers are responsible for observing port, health and customs regulations. Passengers should comply with the Master's and crew's directions for maintaining order and ensuring safery aboard.
  • The holder of the ticket should present the ticket at ERTURK LINES offices. In any case of loss of this ticket, it is not replaced. ERTURK LINES is not responsible for any loss of tickets. Ticket terms and conditions are clearly stated on on the subject of "ticket terms and conditions".
  • All passengers holding this boarding card, are deemed to have read and accepted the written terms and conditions of this ticket and "ticket terms and conditions".


  • The driver is obligated to embark and disembark his/her vehicle. Vehicles must be in the waiting area to be embarked one (1) hour before sailing and in any case at the time specified in the applicable Port Regulations. Passengers who are not on time for sailing are not entitled to a refund.
  • In case of loss of the vehicle ticket, the fare is not refunded. Vehicle passengers are obliged to alight before vehicles are embarked aboard.
  • Rental cars are not allowed to embark. Only on Cesme Chios way for Turkish Cars.
  • Passengers are not permitted to carry explosive, incendiary, flammable, and generally dangerous substances.
  • Passengers are responsible for their belongings in the vehicle.
  • All the general terms and conditions for the passengers who travels with vehicles is the same with the general terms and conditions for the passengers. All passengers holding this boarding card for vehicles, are deemed to have read and accepted the written terms and conditions of this ticket.


Ticket non-refundable. (According Distance Contracts Directive dated 11.27.2014 "Use of Withdrawal Rights and Obligations of Parties" in regulating the "third part" article written under the title of "transport services"; BUYER has no right of withdrawal. Alternations can be made with in 12 hours notice for open ticket or date change request.

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