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Jedem unserer Kunden wird ein persönlicher Fährbuchungs-Experte zugewiesen, der ihre Sprache spricht und innerhalb von 3 Arbeitsstunden antwortet. Ihr Agent steht Ihnen vor, während und nach Ihrer Reise jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Sammeln Sie Meilen bei jeder Fahrt mit der Fähre, unabhängig von der Fährgesellschaft, mit der Sie reisen!
Lösen Sie Ihre Meilen ein und erhalten Sie Rabatte und KOSTENLOSE Tickets!
Es ist empfohlen, dass Sie mit den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Fährgesellschaft, mit der Sie reisen, vollständig vertraut sind. Nachfolgend finden Sie die offiziellen Bedingungen, die für Ihre Buchung und Reise mit ANEM Ferries gelten. Wenn Sie weitere Erläuterungen benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren persönlichen Fährbuchungsexperten.
The prices and the itineraries that are entered in this list are based in the conditions at the period of publication.
If someone of these conditions are differentiated, the company maintains the right to modify the itineraries or her conventional obligations.
In case where the company does not correspond in her conventional obligations, the passenger is eligible return of entire value of ticket, without moreover compensation. The company maintains the right to change the hours of departure and the fares, without previous notice, in case of increase of prices of fuels, monetary fluctuations or other unanticipated conditions.
The ticket is in effect for one year from his date of publication, apart from the tickets that have limited force.
After the check-in, you drive your vehicle to the space of quartering from the boat and wait for the embarkation.
The embarkation in the boat begins 2 hours before the departure.
The passengers, with or without vehicles should present themselves in the points of embarkation at least two (2) hours before the departure.
For the embarkation you show your ticket.
We point out that the embarkation stops, twenty (20) minutes before the departure.
Process | In Kalymnos | In Mastihari |
CHECK IN (Recommended) PASSENGERS & VEHICLES | 2 hours Before the departure | 1 hour Before the departure |
BOARDING SHOULDER & LOW SEASON PASSENGERS/CARS/CAMPERS/CARAVANS/ BOAT TRAILERS | 2 hours Before the departure | At the arrival of the ship |
BOARDING HIGH SEASON PASSENGERS/CARS/CAMPERS/CARAVANS/ BOAT TRAILERS | 2 hours Before the departure | At the arrival of the ship |
The ticket is personal, cannot be transmitted and is valid only for the seat and the trip that it has been issued.
The holder, should keep the ticket until the end of the journey.
In case the passenger keeps safely his personal belongings, the shipping company is not held responsible for any loss or damage.
Things of value and money could be delivered to the accountant officer for storage.
Passenger should apply to the captain’s instructions and the crew instructions, when these refer to safety and order of the ship.
For any complaints during the trip, passenger should contact the captain or the deputy captain and afterwards refer to the management of the shipping company or the Port Authorities.
Passengers who wish to travel with pets should mention it during the ticket issuing and accept the measures that the Port Authorities apply, regarding the hygiene, safety and regulations of the shipping company.
Also passengers with pets have the total and exclusive responsibility against other passengers when carrying animals.
Passenger is aware of the above terms and accepts these terms unreservedly upon issuing of the ticket.
The driver is obligated to load and unload the vehicle by following the instructions of the crew.
The driver does not have the right to be refunded in case the ship has sailed, and in case the driver notifies of his intentions of not loading the vehicle deserves refund of half the cost.
In case of loss of vehicles loading receipt, driver does not have the right for refund.
The passenger of the vehicle is obligated to disembark of the vehicle during the journey.
Loading explosive and other dangerous material inside vehicle is prohibited.
The priority line for loading the vehicles is set according to the Port regulations of the region that the loading is done.
The passengers of the vehicles should remove all the necessary belongings during the trip, as the garage is sealed off during the journey.
The driver and holder of the ticket, has been informed of the above terms and conditions and accepts them unreservedly upon issuing.
*Up to 30 minutes after the ticket is issued, you have the right to cancel a ticket, whether it is a trip on the same day or a different one, without cancellation fees.
*Up to one hour before the departure of the boat, tickets are canceled with a 50% cancellation fee.
*You do not have the right to change to open after the departure of the boat and the change to open takes place up to one hour before the departure of the boat and only once.
*Tickets can remain open until the end of the year they were issued.
*Tickets are only canceled by issuing agencies. They cannot be canceled over the phone. Those interested should hand over the tickets to the issuing agency.
*In case of loss of the ticket, it is NOT possible to cancel it and refund the price. A new ticket is required to board the passenger.
Suche nach verfügbaren Häfen nach Abfahrts- oder Ankunftshafen
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