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Jedem unserer Kunden wird ein persönlicher Fährbuchungs-Experte zugewiesen, der ihre Sprache spricht und innerhalb von 3 Arbeitsstunden antwortet. Ihr Agent steht Ihnen vor, während und nach Ihrer Reise jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Greekferries Club Bonus Per Mile
Sammeln Sie Meilen bei jeder Fahrt mit der Fähre, unabhängig von der Fährgesellschaft, mit der Sie reisen!
Lösen Sie Ihre Meilen ein und erhalten Sie Rabatte und KOSTENLOSE Tickets!
Es ist empfohlen, dass Sie mit den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Fährgesellschaft, mit der Sie reisen, vollständig vertraut sind.Nachfolgend finden Sie die offiziellen Bedingungen, die für Ihre Buchung und Reise mit Aegean Flying Dolphins gelten.Wenn Sie weitere Erläuterungen benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren persönlichen Fährbuchungsexperten.
Tickets are personal, non-transferable, and are issued in the passenger’s name. They are valid only for the itinerary, date, and seat for which they are issued.
Ticket issuing on board is prohibited; to avoid any inconvenience, all passengers are requested to book their tickets and have them before departure.
Complying to EU Directive 98/41, for safety reasons, a name list of the passengers is mandatory for all itineraries; the name of the passenger, gender (male, female), age range (adult, child, infant), Type and Plate number of the vehicle, if there is one, are mandatory to be registered on the ticket.
We strongly suggest our passengers notify the travel agency on their phone number (a mobile one) upon the issue of their ticket; they will be notified in case of change on scheduled itineraries e.g. detention of ship due to adverse weather conditions, etc.
You are kindly requested to notify the travel agency upon the issuing of your ticket on any passengers that need special care.
For children up to 5 years old issuing a zero-fare ticket is mandatory.
Complying with P.D 3 709/2008 of the Greek state, passengers should be on the embarkation area 40 minutes, before departure time.
Tickets should be issued before the due date as specified by your travel agent when booking your ticket. In any other case, your reservation will be canceled automatically.
Open date tickets are valid for one year from the issuing date of the first ticket not of the changed tickets. Open date tickets are not valid for embarkation unless replaced by new tickets with the date of departure.
Tickets can be canceled only in the travel agencies where they were issued, providing the original tickets. No ticket cancellation can be made by phone. Terms of cancellation according to cancellation time
Delay of departure: Passengers can embark with the same tickets.Cancellation of itinerary: in case of cancellation, tickets are no longer valid and should be replaced with new for the next scheduled departure with available seats.
In the event of ticket loss, passengers need to purchase a new ticket in order to travel and then notify in writing the company providing lost ticket’s data (date of departure, itinerary, no. of the ticket), no. of new ticket purchased, and a copy of that ticket. If the lost ticket is not found by the revenue department of the company to be changed to an open date ticket or utilized within 3 months, it will be replaced by a ticket of the same type for the same itinerary. Lost ticket data can be found at the issuing agency and should be sent by mail to the agency’s central offices (
The Company makes all effort to ensure that timetables are kept but reserves the right to make changes without prior notice if necessary.
Check-in of tickets upon embarkation and during the trip is conducted by the ship’s attendant. During check-in, passengers are responsible for displaying their tickets and other documentation that justifies a ticket with a discount, if that is the case.
Luggage should be placed on special locations of the ship, complying with the crew’s indications. Valuables should not be left in the luggage.
For passengers with special needs, there are special seats for their wheelchairs. Their ticket is priced at zero when the disability rate is over 80%. For escorts, the ticket is half the price of the entire ticket. Passengers with special abilities must have the relevant proof document with them when issuing the ticket.
Pets remain in the middle open space of the ship (always with a leash and a companion) must wear a muzzle. In the case of small pets, they should be transported to their cage. Passengers traveling with a pet must always have their recently updated health booklet with them and are responsible for its care, safety, and hygiene. Unaccompanied pets are not accepted.
In case the passengers lost or found an item during the voyage, please inform the Ship’s Assistant immediately before disembarkation. For any information after disembarkation, you can contact our Agency at
For safety reasons, all passengers and their belongings are liable to control. In case of non-compliance, the passenger will not be allowed to embark and the port authorities will be notified on the event.
Passengers are expected to present their ticket, passport, or other identification documents to the ship’s authorized personnel. The Company reserves the right not to allow embarkation to passengers that fail to present their travel and identification documents.
After embarkation, disembarkation is only allowed under the permission of the ship’s authorized personnel.
Passengers are strictly forbidden to enter the open outer stern of the ship. If you have a weapon with you, please state it upon boarding. Smoking is prohibited in all areas due to the status of the ship as a “closed type”.
For any question, comment or remark, passengers have the opportunity to contact via e-mail at
Complying with the National Law 3730 of the Greek Ministry of Health, as of 1st July 2009.
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